Anyone doing dry January?

I think it's a positive, it's good to hear if people can manage their intake without going too far with it 😊 that's also an achievement in my eyes!
If you are an alcoholic, and have crossed that line, there is no going back to managing your intake. Each relapse will be worse than the last and you will continue down that elevator.
Not wanting to bump this too often, just doing a 3 week (!) Update.
Honestly wasn't expecting to make it this far when the morning of the 2nd Jan dawned, but here I am with 21 days of total sobriety under my belt. Been through a lot of emotions during this time, but pleased to note that most of them have been positive emotions.
Health wise, my psoriasis has started to clear, and I no longer suffer from the acid, heartburn and dry-heaving that I was getting every day.
The weight loss has started to kick in, the trydry app says i have saved around 30,000 calories and 580 units. Can't believe I was on 200 units a week, it seems crazy looking back.
Still finding it really tricky getting to sleep, and I am peeing a lot.

Next up on my agenda is a 10-week boxing program, (for beginners) with a charity boxing event at the end. Hopefully that will give me the focus to keep sober, think a strictly regimented programme like that is a positive way to keep those demons at bay.

To anyone who is currently, or may at some point be struggling with addiction, it's never too late, and you have my best wishes.

Cheers, FMTTMers.
Not wanting to bump this too often, just doing a 3 week (!) Update.
Honestly wasn't expecting to make it this far when the morning of the 2nd Jan dawned, but here I am with 21 days of total sobriety under my belt. Been through a lot of emotions during this time, but pleased to note that most of them have been positive emotions.
Health wise, my psoriasis has started to clear, and I no longer suffer from the acid, heartburn and dry-heaving that I was getting every day.
The weight loss has started to kick in, the trydry app says i have saved around 30,000 calories and 580 units. Can't believe I was on 200 units a week, it seems crazy looking back.
Still finding it really tricky getting to sleep, and I am peeing a lot.

Next up on my agenda is a 10-week boxing program, (for beginners) with a charity boxing event at the end. Hopefully that will give me the focus to keep sober, think a strictly regimented programme like that is a positive way to keep those demons at bay.

To anyone who is currently, or may at some point be struggling with addiction, it's never too late, and you have my best wishes.

Cheers, FMTTMers.
Well done mate. Keep it up and keep your support group on speed dial. If you ever feel like picking up, give them a call.
You might have heard the term "pink fluffy cloud period", when all feels great. It doesn't last unfortunately and that's when support is so important. First 90 days are the hardest.
Best wishes to you
Well done mate. Keep it up and keep your support group on speed dial. If you ever feel like picking up, give them a call.
You might have heard the term "pink fluffy cloud period", when all feels great. It doesn't last unfortunately and that's when support is so important. First 90 days are the hardest.
Best wishes to you
Cheers mate. I get what you mean, it's not all been a bed of roses - quitting hasn't magically made all my problems disappear, but if you knew how much I bottomed out, everything is a massive improvement.
My folks at AA have been great, my lass is helping me a huge amount (although last night we went to the pub and she had a pint of cider!)
My sponsor is a cracking lad, always texting to see if I need to talk. Chatroom is pretty much 24/7 as well.
Even the odd post on here helps, feels good typing stuff out, as they say, stuff you put on the internet never disappears. It's like a little reference guide for me of how I've gotten on.
That's up to you :)
For my part, I'm an alcoholic so between February and December, I'll try to do the same as I have so far this month and remain sober.
Not everyone is in the same boat as me though, so they don't need to commit to that.
Aye it was a partly sarcastic comment about Dry January. If you want to abstain, why only January.

See also new year resolutions.

Well done anyway
What do I do between February and December though ?
April showers.. with blue nun
May.. have another
June..oh might have another
Julying on yer back with yer knickers in the air
August one more

Plenty of activities you could start and not finish tbh..

You could be an average chess player, tennis player and watercolour painter in a year
Aye it was a partly sarcastic comment about Dry January. If you want to abstain, why only January.

See also new year resolutions.

Well done anyway
Cheers troll ;)
Just kidding.
I think Dry Jan is just to encourage people to do a month so that some of them *may* just continue with it for longer if they've broken a habit.
For me, I didn't actually start "dry january" as such, it just coincided with me realising i was at a NYE party at a house where I was the only person drinking (mostly muslim folks). Felt like a right t*t in the morning. Enough was enough
April showers.. with blue nun
May.. have another
June..oh might have another
Julying on yer back with yer knickers in the air
August one more

Plenty of activities you could start and not finish tbh..

You could be an average chess player, tennis player and watercolour painter in a year
July sounds good. What with my knickers in the air. Always bring sex into it. Hmmm.

Let’s see who replies to this shall we….
Cheers troll ;)
Just kidding.
I think Dry Jan is just to encourage people to do a month so that some of them *may* just continue with it for longer if they've broken a habit.
For me, I didn't actually start "dry january" as such, it just coincided with me realising i was at a NYE party at a house where I was the only person drinking (mostly muslim folks). Felt like a right t*t in the morning. Enough was enough
Im deffo not a troll. According to that lot OTR I’m the attention seeking botter :-)

it’s a nasty habit and one I wish I could drop