55 years ago today at Ayresome Park

Adopted Teessiders!

Missed this one, but went to the Chile game. Got a ticket off our school sports master.
Went to all three games on the Holgate. Was interesting how much better they got game by game. They were not very good against Russia. Got a draw against Chile and then you didn't really expect them to improve sufficiently to beat Italy but they matched them at the start and the Italians decided that they were not very good, heads went down then Pak do Ik scored and the Holgate went mad and emptied on the final whistle as they rushed to congratulate the little men form Korea who had very largely been taken into Teesside hearts by then.
My Brother in law went to all the Ayresome games and has a great set of memorabilia from them, and indeed the whole tournament. I was like an awe struck envious kid when he showed it all to me about 20 years ago. I'm sure it will have some value now.