An attack on an MP, police officer, NHS worker, soldier etc should be dealt with harshly.
She should serve her time and learn her lesson, our public workers should be more protected.
It’s milkshake.. annoying an inconvenience. But it’s not an attack. It’s a milkshake.
An attack on anybody should be treated with firmly. This was a milkshake. It wasn’t an acid attack.. just like the empty coffee cup was not a brick or a piece of concrete.
An MP is not the same as a police officer or an NHS worker or a soldier and they should not be considered as such.
A police officer’s job is to protect the public and uphold the law.. that is what they should do and by doing that they will come into contact with violence and their safety will be put at risk.
A soldier will go to war.. their lives will almost certainly be put at risk as they fight to protect the country and the freedoms of it’s citizens.
An NHS worker will be working to save people’s lives directly, improve the quality of life for people directly and help treat disease and injury. A novel profession.
A Member of Parliament is a civil servant chosen to represent the people of the constituency they were voted in for.. they make decisions for and on behalf of the people they represent to better their futures and improve their lives and circumstances.
Now.. how many members of parliament do you see actually doing this? Farage much prefers stoking racial tensions outside of action and spending time in the US supporting his favourite American reality star.
An MP is not a worthy profession, it should not be highly regarded in any way shape or form.. civil servants that make the most of their positions to better their own lot in life and further their own careers and investments. Thought history rotting fruit and vegetables have been thrown to show disapproval in underperforming public servants.. those who lie and cheat and behave badly or against the interests of their constituents.
It’s milkshake.. there’s a reason why people throw milkshake at him. He is not to be lauded or pitied.. certainly not held in high regard or compared to genuine hard working people.. it is an insult.
MPs are far too protected as it is, they get far too many privileges and protections.. if they are not doing their job.. like in any other job., they should be kicked to the curb. Any wrongdoing or unlawfulness.. rather than twisted or justified.. it should be punished.
These people should be held to account before it gets to milkshake in the street. It’s an embarrassment to allow it to continue has it is.