will.i.am: The Blackprint


Well-known member
Didn’t it expect to highlight in the 50’s that Tories were running campaigns against blacks drumming up fear (and using the N word).

It‘s a shame that 70 years later not much has changed.

It‘s on the ITV Hub and well worth a watch.
Just catching up with Ridley Road and seeing similar stuff, that carries strong echoes today. That horrible, racist trait has sadly long been a part of what this country is. People forget that the London dockers came out on strike in the 60s, in support of Enoch Powell.
Imagine being a person arriving into Britain from former colonies thinking life was going to be good, only to be met by racism, stirred up by politicians and sections of the media. The same people had spend years probably been told in their home country that Britain was a bastion of goodness and light.
I find it extremely difficult to believe that we aren't a racist country when we were openly racist (to the extent of running Tory political campaigns with tag lnes of 'no n******s next door') which was only a generation ago. The people who lapped this up and voted for it have only just passed away.

It really will be another 70 years before we get anything close to a non-racist country. Anyone who thinks we are there yet are kidding themselves.

It was a great documentary. I watched the Ashley Banjo clim with that racist Jim Davidson the other day too - he highlights how those backwards views remain strongly in society today. These people don't think they have a problem either. It's like they are too stupid to listen.