Why are the Far Right rising?

First Argentina now it looks like Netherlands are going with the far right.

The Russian/ Ukraine war the cost of living the gaza situation many people are seeing their standard of living falling. Through the choas the right wing gain support as scape goats are created as we saw in the EU referendum
I was chatting to my sister the other day and she mentioned how loads of people on her Facebook (I avoid like the plague) were complaining about the lights switch on in town as it was very scaled back compared to previous years.

I laughed as I tend to think the lights switch on is pretty naff anyway, but raised the point that spending a load of money a Light switch on won’t be a priority for a lot of councils who’ve suffered a load of cuts over the years. But it’s what the people voted for etc.

Unfortunately, she’d seen a lot of comments from people who were saying the council spent all the money on Diwali celebrations which is why the lights switch on was so poor.

Pretty sad really, and yet another example of people trying to make it an us vs. them scenario rather than looking at the root cause of the problem IE. Government.

I walked past the Diwali stuff after the Leicester game. There was a stage with some stalls (All of which probably paid for the privelege). Hardly looked like a mega expensive event to put together.

This is the road some of The current Tory party want to take us though. It’s a vote winner amongst the racists. Some of their prejudice is driven by the Government / Media. They’re constantly being told migrants etc. are getting a better deal than them (which is BS) and that resentment festers and grows as life gets even harder and people get poorer.

It’s a really sad state of affairs but there’s no telling people. Some have been suckered in to the point of being brainwashed.

Obviously “Woke” (cringe) feckers like me are also a huge part of the problem in their eyes! 🙈😆
First they came for the Remainers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Remainer
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the Palastinians
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Palastinian
Then they came for me..
First they came for the Remainers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Remainer
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the Palastinians
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Palastinian
Then they came for me..
Don’t worry Newy, after 15 minutes of you bamboozling them with Boro line-ups they’ll shoot themselves.😉
The root cause of many societal issues can usually be found by assessing it through the demographic transition model.

But to be brief I think it's a combination of these factors:

Individuals and companies are now wealthier than states and have no collective or ethical compulsion to act in a way that benefits the many. In fact they actively seek to profit from and control the masses to conserve their position.

This allows them a ridiculous level of influence over public opinion and policy, they influence our governments more than we could ever know.

These wealth obsessed individuals would prefer a form of neo feudalism that protects their status, wealth and influence.

The west is slowly 'failing'. By failing I simply mean that as other parts of the world become more developed we are less able to prop up our exceptional standards of living on the backs of poorer people in other parts of the world and we are unable to solve the problems posed to us in demographics and economics due to this and the influence of finance on restricting any form of redistributive policy.

Another issue is that the liberation of women and the drive towards equality has removed the 'need' for women to rely on men or have husbands or significant others to bring home the bacon. This appears to be leading to lots of disillusioned young men who are drawn towards conservative rhetoric that in our polarised world often comes packaged within a more heavily right wing box that they then exist within and conform to.

Edit - I want to make it absolutely clear that I do not buy into the extreme responses to this nonsense and that I am fully for increased equality and understand the fact that it will have an impact on men. Likely the advantages we have had from a patriachal society will be eroded and life will be slightly more difficult for the average man than before, if not at least a little different which might feel uncomfortable for many. This is the price of change and equality. Understanding why people push back against it is essential to mitigating the negative consequences it produces.

Greed, ignorance and a global changing of the guard are all leading to an age of uncertainty which right wing rhetoric is superb at capitalising on.
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I can’t say anything on other places but for Britain it’s political decision making. It would be easy to say Tory Austerity (which is a massive part of it) but the root cause goes to the Thatcher neoliberal agenda.

Selling off massive parts of Britain without reinvestment in industry, allowing large areas of the North to descend into poverty, which has seen massive social issues created, creating ongoing issues for local government.

Removing any control on financial institutions, which allowed them to turbo charge credit. This for a time created the illusion that growth had been achieved, but ultimately it resulted in massive increases in land and property value, which further increased inequality. Cheaper credit allowed normal people to think they were wealthy, but uncontrolled credit resulted in the 2008 financial crises, which very nearly caused the economy to implode.

2008 meant the British government acting like it had to during COVID and creating billions to stop banks going bust. It was the only choice available, but banks withdrew almost entirely from lending. Suddenly, small businesses weren’t supported, bigger business forced into austerity measures by banks desperate for their money back and the knock on effect was recession. Lots of employees were give a choice - take a pay cut or lose your job. Some took a pay cut and still lost their job.

The 2010 election allowed the Tories to create the lie it was Labour’s fault (how that was allowed to stick is incredible). Once Tory Austerity kicked in things really got worse.

Just looking at the state of roads all over England is the symbol of austerity. Local government was massively underfunded causing them to cut back on everything. Proactively maintaining roads was now impossible. Roads are only fixed once they become dangerous.

With local services cut to the bone and all national government services reduced, society started to feel very different. This ultimately led to Brexit, which was always going to be a total disaster.

In light of all that, just blame poor dark skinned people on all your problems. It’s clearly their fault trying to make a better life for themselves in a country many have connections with.
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They will always attempt to rise but fortunately there are people in this world that hold values of a decent person and not hate somebody because of race, religion or creeds

They also don’t hide their bigotry it’s there for everyone to see.
I would say Illegal migration gives the perfect platform for the "far right" It's easy to whip up a storm on the back of that - bolt on open borders, through Europe, the WEF agenda and hey presto, you have the perfect conspiracy theory.
They will always attempt to rise but fortunately there are people in this world that hold values of a decent person and not hate somebody because of race, religion or creeds

They also don’t hide their bigotry it’s there for everyone to see.

They are absolutely crystal clear and easy to follow if you are minded to - and many are.
Contrast that with ‘non right’ parties.
They give voters options so the ‘anti right ‘ vote is split.

Therin lies the risk here.
The Tories (who I would argue are the home of the right) have a strong core vote (circa 25% of the electorate)
The biggest party that can fight them has a centralist element and a ‘further degrees of left‘ element.
The centralists will have floaters who could shift and those further left could choose to vote for neither of the big political parties. The right gets in by the back door.

it was a huge surprise in Netherlands too.
I can’t say anything on other places but for Britain it’s political decision making. It would be easy to say Tory Austerity (which is a massive part of it) but the root cause goes to the Thatcher neoliberal agenda.

Selling off massive parts of Britain without reinvestment in industry, allowing large areas of the North to descend into poverty, which has seen massive social issues created, creating ongoing issues for local government.

Removing any control on financial institutions, which allowed them to turbo charge credit. This for a time created the illusion that growth had been achieved, but ultimately it resulted in massive increases in land and property value, which further increased inequality. Cheaper credit allowed normal people to think they were wealthy, but uncontrolled credit resulted in the 2008 financial crises, which very nearly caused the economy to implode.

2008 meant the British government acting like it had to during COVID and creating billions to stop banks going bust. It was the only choice available, but banks withdrew almost entirely from lending. Suddenly, small businesses weren’t supported, bigger business forced into austerity measures by banks desperate for their money back and the knock on effect was recession. Lots of employees were give a choice - take a pay cut or lose your job. Some took a pay cut and still lost their job.

The 2010 election allowed the Tories to create the lie it was Labour’s fault (how that was allowed to stick is incredible). Once Tory Austerity kicked in things really got worse.
And yet amazingly despite them having been in power for 13 years we had that smirking millionaire chancellor Jeremy Hunt yesterday still trying to blame Labour for all the ills of the last 10 years gaslighting those that find it difficult to comprehend the causation of the current economic woes we have and trying to paint a picture of them improving them.