Which do you prefer? Cats or Dogs?


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Cats are OK, but I prefer the dog - they are loyal and have a character all of their own.
Also, it looks daft taking the cat for a walk!:)

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I love dogs and would dearly love to have one, but the wife is less keen so it's off the cards, at least for now. However, I do love my cats

Indy is the British Blue Shorthair (Indigo Pure Platinum Tresbelle). Monty (Montague) is the DSH Heinz 57 Rescue

Thought I was always a dog person, but my in laws couldn't look after their cat anymore due to their health and he came to live with us in March. Fickle little b***r, but I love him, he's brilliant to have around.
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Definitely dogs if you have the time for them, forces you to get outside which has been a lifesaver through this last year.
Curried or barbequed?

My neighbour says to me quite often, So many cats, so few recipes.

For clarity we have 2 rabbits a cat and dozens of fish, oh and a couple of newts and the occassional frog. Dogs like you, cats tolerate you, and our cat barely does that.

Dogs take more looking after, cats will cheat on the family.

Dogs will defend you to the death, cats will tear your curtains of the wall trying to run away.

Dogs will bring you an injured mouse, cats will rid the house of the mice.

On balance, each to their own, we anthropomorphise our pets anyway so a cat sucking the heat from your lap, loves you, a dog attacking a burglar loves you.

No the cat is selfish and is keeping warm and the dog has stockholm syndrome.
Dogs by a long way.
I never saw the point of a cat until one adopted us, bossed the house, the dogs and won me over. Had him for 17 years and loved him to bits. Never wanted another one though.
Used to be Dogs until I got mauled by one in Preston Park (n) Cats all day now, there's a few friendly ones on my street and they all seem to love me.