Urgent review into how PHE death figures

Shutting down all NHS functions is a figment of your imagination I'm afraid

Except it isn't. Plenty of reports from NHS workers out there who were moved from their normal departments to a covid ward, reports of NHS nurses been sent home and thousands upon thousands of surgeries and consultations cancelled. In fact some predict a waiting list of 10 million people by Xmas for various surgeries and consultations.
Story in the news this morning that dentists are predicting a surge in mouth cancer cases as they were not allowed to practice during lockdown and even now can only perform no aerosol treatments.

The NHS effectively shut itself down to stop been overloaded like Italy's hospitals were.
You and your friend were the lucky ones.
An urgent review of the stats that make the government look grossly incompetent is needed but an enquiry into what went wrong wouldn't be helpful at this time. What a bunch of ****s
I wouldn't trust many of the figures being produced. I spent many years working as a data analyst and have sympathy with the people who are trying to crunch this data, definitions and data capture can be very difficult when working under pressure.
If you look at the gov beta site under the tab of cases. The two main charts 'total cases' and it split by nation obviously are not from the same data set and the shape of the trends tell completely different stories.
Either the data has serious problems or their ability to label the data is incorrect.
It will be interesting to see how the government spin the numbers. Increase the death count attributed to covid and it looks bad on the government, reducing the number, it looks bad for the government. I am not sure what Hancock is trying to achieve with this operation. I would welcome it if I thought it was an unbiased, nonpartisan review of the numbers and how they were calculated. I don't believe for a minute this will be the case.

Curtailing the NHS functions to cope with the pandemic would, on the face of it, seem reasonable, except the NHS should not have been put in that position in the first place. Letting people die at home, untreated, so we don't see pictures of dead patience lying in corridors is, obviously, bad governance and makes a mockery of the Nightingale operation.

When you govern in extreme circumstances you do what needs to be done to save as many of your people as you can and optics be damned. Any minister who tries to spin and deflect is quite clearly not fit for office. Hopefully most people will see this and remember come 2024.