Situations like this are going to have a massive impact on many people’s livelihoods, if you are paid on an hourly rate how do you cover the shortfall of income if you’re in a job that can’t be done from home ? What happens to people who have come into contact earlier with someone with symptoms and are having to self isolate for a second time are employers understanding of the circumstances and keeping jobs open, do they qualify for sick pay etc if situations like these, and I expect it to get worse with schools returning, continue will there not be a call for further measures and restrictions to bars, restaurants etc to prevent further increases in infections ?
So if you are asked to self isolate due to these circumstances, and you are not in a job where you can work from home, can you not go sick, as the government are saying you are potentially sick and forcing you to stay at home?
I work offshore so fortunately for me the isolation period coincides with my leave and my wife is still furloughed . However from my understanding I would not be classed as “sick” and would not get paid if I couldn’t go to work due to self isolation
So what is the alternative, you just have to go to work??? Or would the company make you take either annual leave or unpaid leave?