Unexplained bruising on legs

Just contact a GP. It's the easiest way (well if you can get an appointment).

The 'best' thing to do is never Google it. You will talk yourself into it being cancer or something else that's serious. I Google my random alements and it's always something serious on the Internet😂

I was feeling really tired for months before Xmas. Basically the Internet went from cancer to diabetic. I got tested for loads of stuff and nothing found and now fine (I hope). The best way to ease worries is seeking professional help.
Just contact a GP. It's the easiest way (well if you can get an appointment).

The 'best' thing to do is never Google it. You will talk yourself into it being cancer or something else that's serious. I Google my random alements and it's always something serious on the Internet😂

I was feeling really tired for months before Xmas. Basically the Internet went from cancer to diabetic. I got tested for loads of stuff and nothing found and now fine (I hope). The best way to ease worries is seeking professional help.
This is me in a nutshell. I’m actually pretty good at going to the doctors, but not before I’ve googled myself to the worst outcomes, and the Dr has to talk me down off a ledge