
Trump is going nowhere 😆

Most the traders I’ve seen and people that know business all favour trump.

The morons that decide to riot and protest during a pandemic deserve rounding up and locking up .
When you put someone like Trump in charge is it any wonder the world is so fùcked up ? Giving people with his personality traits the platform and power to govern is like letting a chimpanzee drive you home and then being surprised when you crash.
OANN is One America - since Faux News started calling him out, he's found an even more loony tunes network to follow.
Ha ha you were right imagine think fox is too left wing. Fox!!!!!
A few years I had lunch with a friend of friend in New York who worked at fox ( legal team) she described her job as shovelling coal for Satan.
More likely to garner votes to win a second term. Nothing like a good execution to get the baying mob of morons who voted him in to do it again.
Yeah I thought as much. Although those guilty of murdering children should be executed.
Lets not forget he has a lot against him:

- He lost the popular vote last time, that's not a good starting position
- A second term president that hasn't delivered any of his key promises from the first term is a tough sell
- The misogyny vote has gone ("president is a man's job")
- There will be a Democratic tactic for handling social media campaigns, a counter-campaign they won't get caught twice
- As the pandemic worsens and the economy glitches at just the wrong time for him, he'll be made to pay at the polls

I don't see a second term, most of my american mates will vote against him or abstain.