Trump’s final bloody weeks of his regime

Trump was never a republican before his entrance into politics by all accounts and some say he's not really been a typical republican once in office.

However his presidency is still a huge stain on that party and a huge stain on anyone who enabled him and supported him.
Just look at Trumps glee when he was campaigning and saying he was going to fill Guantanamo with bad dudes, his comments to the police conferences about how they treat arrestees. His endorsement of the child separation policy at the border too show him for what he is, a vindictive, nasty old man who would only get more brazen in his abuses of power if the GOP were to spinelessly overthrow the election. These are grown ass men and women who are prepared to betray their country and the people who voted them into office just to avoid the wrath of Trumps most fervent supporters. While I hate Trump with a passion I reserve a special kind of dustain for the likes of Cruz, McConnell, Rubio, Johnson, Gaetz and Jordon and the rest of them who are going along with all this.
Trump was never a republican before his entrance into politics by all accounts and some say he's not really been a typical republican once in office.

However his presidency is still a huge stain on that party and a huge stain on anyone who enabled him and supported him.
That’s the maddest thing of all trump has never been a republican he used to fundraise for the democrats.
Just when you think he can’t sink any lower..

As President Donald Trump's days in the White House wane, his administration is racing through a string of federal executions.

Five executions are scheduled before President-elect Joe Biden's 20 January inauguration - breaking with an 130-year-old precedent of pausing executions amid a presidential transition.

And if all five take place, Mr Trump will be the country's most prolific execution president in more than a century, overseeing the executions of 13 death row inmates since July of this year.

So he has gone from tyrant to wannabe dictator to despot with his own body count to match.

What pathetic creature he is.
Hes led nearly 300,000 to their deaths. Half a dozen more is neither here or there in the scheme of things. Consider that before he leaves office he might have lost more US citizens than they lost in WW2.
Orange idiot.
That's how it appears but I'm not so sure. I suspect that the majority of the 126 are frightened cowards more inclined to support the 'Dear Leader' out of fear than stand up for democracy. As he fades from relevance so their support will evaporate.

"My dear you have to understand a dictatorship is like a snake, if you stand on its tail it will just turn round and bite you. You have to strike at the head" .............. The World at War - Inside the Reich
I wouldn't be so sure. He's already raised millions for whatever purpose.
Tripleheader, it's by it's very definition, the death penalty is cruel and unusual, however and whenever it is carried out.
Yes of course, but whilst it's in place get it over with or do away with it. I cannot believe in a system that allows one man the power to hold the life of a person in his hands after the case has been heard and gone through the courts and appeals system they undoubtedly have.
In China if you get the death penalty you are shot in the back of the head within 7 days and your family are billed for the bullet.
And this man gained even more votes this time round! Think about that one!
I always think about this, but o suppose the rational thought is that this was the highest turn out in a US election in XX years, so naturally people turned out to vote for him who would have voted for him last time but maybe weren’t motivated. Didn’t stop him losing the popular vote though.