Ticket Forwarding Questions Answered

It does still work - but you can only use one or the other at a particular match.

Where is it detailed that this is the case?
Is it a temporary measure to allow either option? Or will it be permanent option?

I know there has been a post or two mentioning that it is the case, but it would be really helpful for the Club to confirm the position, and confirm that it will be an option for the foreseeable future.
It's been raised before but you could buy an adult ticket in the GRFZ and get a kids ticket with it (could be a random kid in your family) and they don't have to attend - which would be free if they were under 11.

Ours are 13 and 15 and I'm still not sure what happens when the eldest hits 18, do we all have to move out if we want to stay together? (we have 2 adult tickets as well)

You would assume once an U18 reaches adult status MFCs system will automatically pick this up. We are in a similar situation and will have to all (eight) move elsewhere in a season or 2 but we have saved alot of money between us since we all moved to the GRFZ a few years ago on U18 tickets compared to elsewhere in the ground