This is on Gibson, not Carrick

Nah I'm not having it, that was disgraceful management tonight. We finally got ourselves in the game and then he completely kills it by taking McGree off, Silvera some how lasted until the 89th minute, there's space all over for us and he doesn't bring Latte Lath on?

I'm sorry but that was dreadful from Carrick.
Rogers awful, Greenwood was anonymous, Silvera garbage, engels, atrocious. McGree Tugboat, Jones can’t beat the first man, crooks cart horse. Hackney should be dominating but isn’t. The whole shower who run this great club need a word with themselves.
Carrick has been dealt a bad hand but he's also playing the hand he's been given terribly. This is an all round **** show. Recruitment, again, has been woefully inadequate but the manager and the coaching team are making wholesale changes every game because they can't figure out how to set us up. They are reacting to the pattern of the games very poorly and not making changes when needed and when they do make changes it is the wrong players at the wrong times.
If I'd been in charge of picking the team and making changes we would have won the game. I've never said that in my 47 years on the planet. I'm a ra ra and I'm bemused at how he's managed that game.

Silvera played most of the match and barely made a correct decision during it. Poor signing, poor selection. That's on Scott and Carrick.

Mcgree wasn't interested (what's happened there).

How did Lath not get on in a game of such poor quality?

It's very worrying, especially as I love the football Carrick plays.

He's got to work out his best team and fast.
Carrick has been dealt a bad hand but he's also playing the hand he's been given terribly. This is an all round **** show. Recruitment, again, has been woefully inadequate but the manager and the coaching team are making wholesale changes every game because they can't figure out how to set us up. They are reacting to the pattern of the games very poorly and not making changes when needed and when they do make changes it is the wrong players at the wrong times.
Everyone can see it apart from it appears Carrick and co.

We took McGree off just when he was starting to influence the game.

Silvera played 89 minutes despite being absolutely awful.

We played a young lad up front and completely isolated him.

We kept pace on the bench when it was clear they were slow at the back and would struggle against it.

Jones man of the match says it all.
Carrick cannot escape criticism.

We've been awful for months on end now.

Some of our performances have been absolutely embarassing, and he thinks we've been the better team in almost every match.
Those are his own words as well.
I agree with him in those games. We should have beat both Huddersfield and Qpr due to the amount of clear chances we had. It concerns me we are getting worse. We didn't make chances due to his selection tonight against a very, very very poor team.
I agree with him in those games. We should have beat both Huddersfield and Qpr due to the amount of clear chances we had. It concerns me we are getting worse. We didn't make chances due to his selection tonight against a very, very very poor team.

He didn't just mean Huddersfield and QPR though, he meant every game, including Blackburn.
It’s down to both….it’s Gibson and the boards fault for not building or maintaining what we had last season…..
I was just about to say that.
If there was ever a time to take a financial risk it was on the back of last season.
We'll all remember how well we played, but I doubt anyone will be seeing it as part of an upward progression.
If we've gone down this new route out of necessity and there'll be limited funds available in future then we really are screwed and if not this season, we will at some point be relegated.
I don’t know how you can blame the chairman over the manager when there are clubs with way, way worse owners in the league than ours that have picked up several more points than we have so far this season.
I've long said the sun doesn't shine out of Gibbo's backside but I don't for a minute believe that Carrick wasn't consulted on signing any player who has been bought to play in the first team
jones, fry, McNair , howson , hackney , McGree , lenihan , forss, barlaser ….

All proven for boro apart from barlaser who was joint top assister at one point before he came to carricks boro.

The foundations of the team are worth more than the 2 points out of 21 we have earned.

I thought jones played decent so far this season I was shouting out for him when I read the team sheet, he comes on at half time and gets MOTM.
Sadly too little too late.

In my opinion anyone who still thinks Carrick is the man for the job isn’t somebody who I agree with. He underperformed in the playoffs with the side he had, and the 6 or 7 games previous to the that.

He is a bang or below average manager, sadly I can’t think of a manager who can steer the ship atm
I don’t know how you can blame the chairman over the manager when there are clubs with way, way worse owners in the league than ours that have picked up several more points than we have so far this season.
We can blame him for Charging extortionate ticket prices, having 1 top flight season in 16 years. Continuously making managerial mistakes and not backing them and we can blame him for having Scott next to him we can blame him for not communicating with the fans… ever, he can sit in his comfy painted chairs all he likes but he’s showing he’s past it. The clubs in debt, we’re bottom of the championship every manager here fails. Carrick will get the chop. Maybe carrick is out of his depth but he’s not the issue here the issue is the club is ran like a Sunday league club and we are immune to it because we have to go back to a decade and half ago to claim one thing gibsons done right in that time frame
Carrick cannot escape criticism.

We've been awful for months on end now.

Some of our performances have been absolutely embarassing, and he thinks we've been the better team in almost every match.
Those are his own words as well.
Rather that than a wilder who throws his players under the bus every week, Carrick will know the performances are poor but it’s a poor squad with low confidence, not sure what else you expect him to say