Things that you drink or eat only at Xmas..

Steepy peas

Not sure what they are but the in laws steep them overnight then boil them in what looks like an owld pair of tights.
Starving reading this

After Eights
Roses/Quality Street
Mince Pies
Christmas Pudding (though i've had 2 already)
My mam used to make apple sauce but never had it any other time of the year
Chocolate Liquers
Bucks Fizz
Drink, Baileys (double) with a (double) Irish and a (single) shot of Amaretto over ice. I thought I had invented it on holiday a few years ago but apparently it is known as a Sleepy Irishman. Food, just more chocolate than I would usually eat.
I pledge to make mince pies an all year round thing next year. I've discovered the delights of mince pie ice cream and mincemeat in porridge's life changing.
-Port usually only comes out at Christmas.

-Matchstick chocolates, in fact milk chocolate in general.

-Smoked and glazed ham.

-Mince Pies

-I also tend to cooking some over indulgent dishes I would’ve normally make at any other time of year. Knocked up Croque Monsieur for me and the father in law last Xmas eve before we went out to get the last bits of shopping for the Christmas dinner and did a ridiculously creamy & cheesy bacon, chicken and leek pasta on NYE.
Mince Pies
Christmas Pudding
Christmas Cake
Brandy Sauce
Assorted Nuts(whole) still in their shells
Roses/Quality Street Chocolates
Toffee although that may change as the grandkids get older(Bondie Night)
Mulled Wine
I've got to say my weekly intake has to include cheese and crackers. The Wensleydale currently unopened in the fridge is reserved for the Christmas Cake which is maturing nicely.
I miss the Santa shaped speculoos biscuits we used to get at this time of the year in Belgium. Some were up to a foot long and they were brilliant for dunking.