Things that people think are cool but aren't cool

Barstaff in pubs giving your change back in a tray. I won’t tip if I am pressured to do so. Be nice and friendly and I will think about it after a few more drinks and not before.

Actually that doesn’t fit the criteria for the thread, it just really annoys me...alongside Harry Styles.
D1cks including grown blokes, pulling wheelies on bikes especially girls bikes in between cars on the main road and people power walking down the street or trying to, in their lycra swinging their drinks bottles (put it in a back pack)
I'd like to qualify my like and say the Trump situation is exempt. That has nothing to do with politics just a thorough dislike of a detestable piece of c**p.

He's going, it's been clear he's going since the second day after the election.
People may as well be watching Eastenders.

He'll kick and scream, but he's leaving, so people need to stop giving him the attention he craves.
Claiming to be a massive supporter of a big club (i.e. Liverpool, man Utd) despite having no, or only the most tenuous connection to the place (my second cousin once removed is from there etc).

Bonus uncool points for then trying to talk about football on level terms with people who support their hometown team and any attempt to engage in "banter" particularly whenever said big club beats the smaller club.
People who sell something and say its genuine from jd. When u can get exactly the same thing from sports direct for half the price sometimes