The Joy of Painting

He was and remains an absolute legend. I used to watch him for hours on pbs when I lived in the states in the 90s, ilhis voice was sooo relaxing. Strangely he was a seregant in the air force before he was a painter, so shouted at people for a living before whispering calmly to the camera
Watched this quite a few times going back over about 5 months . It's a nice quiet half hour .
A 'must watch' for me. It's fascinating the way he creates the paintings, often using brushes you'd more associate with painting the skirting boards.
But the main thing is it's so bloody relaxing. The sound of his voice and the noise of the brushes on the canvas. When he taps the brush to create distant trees or leaves, definitely a full on ASMR trigger.😊

"We don't make mistakes we just have happy accidents".👍

Edit: Not forgetting the 'old standard' ....... "Wash it in odourless paint thinner then beat the devil out of it'.🙂
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I can watch him for hours. There has been a few times when I say to myself “oh no! He’s ruined it now! That looks rubbish” and then all of a sudden it somehow looks amazing.
“I’m going to do something crazy here… A big ole’ tree right at the front. Swishhhhh… there we go”

He’s spent the last 10 minutes painting a mountain, including all the shading and blending, only to put a three inch thick tree trunk right through the middle of it. Love it. 😃