The end?

As time passes it looks like the West is slowly starting to pull out of their support to Ukraine. Pilots have been trained to fly F16's. No sign of any in the air. The US is been very slow in delivering the promised arms. Several warnings that any arms supplied to Ukraine cannot be used in an "Aggressive" manner. Ukraine is fighting, alone with a hand tied behind it's back.
As time passes it looks like the West is slowly starting to pull out of their support to Ukraine. Pilots have been trained to fly F16's. No sign of any in the air. The US is been very slow in delivering the promised arms. Several warnings that any arms supplied to Ukraine cannot be used in an "Aggressive" manner. Ukraine is fighting, alone with a hand tied behind it's back.


Me : Is your glass half full there?

Defender 4x4 : What glass?
I want Ukraine to win at all costs, but I do not see that the rest of the West are doing more than they have to save face. Drip, drip, drip, as the Ukrainians fight for their lives. For example Taurus missiles from Germany. Scholz will not give the go ahead as it risks Germany. We have given Storm Shadow. Ukraine need help.
As time passes it looks like the West is slowly starting to pull out of their support to Ukraine. Pilots have been trained to fly F16's. No sign of any in the air. The US is been very slow in delivering the promised arms. Several warnings that any arms supplied to Ukraine cannot be used in an "Aggressive" manner. Ukraine is fighting, alone with a hand tied behind it's back.
The American stuff is being delivered. Zelenskyy himself said that there were plenty of artillery shells the other day. Of course there maybe local shortages, logistics isn't easy in a war zone. As for F16s do you think that we will find out before the Russians? The Americans have authorised use of their supplied arms into Russia.

Ukraine is holding for the present, exchanging the odd field and village for piles of dead Russians and the continued destruction of their armour, artillery and air defence systems. Russia cannot hope to out produce the west in an industrial conflict. Their last offensive was a push to beat the arrival of supplies from the west.
Thread drift, but two F22’s tooling around over Pooley Bridge today set a few car alarms off and had a few of the owlder codgers turning their hearing aids down. Very close to each too other considering $150mil each.
There needs to be tangible progress. Unpalatable yes, but reality.
Without it I can't see another tranche of arms and cash coming from the USA.