The creation of the Universe and the possibility of a God.

I have read all of the theories about the creation of the universe but how can something be created from nothing. If the Universe was created by a God then who or what created God?
Who or what created sim city?

The universe doesn't need to be created from nothing. It could have been created from something. In fact it may always have existed. We don't know the answer to even that basic question. Is the universe eternal? We can't even answer the question of what we mean by eternal because we don't know what time is. We have seen some clues in black holes about how time may emerge from the quantum world but if you don't know what time is you can't really define eternal.

Hope that helps 😁
Now, now, play nice.

If someone wants to believe that there is a God, let them believe, and the same if someone doesn’t.
Science says nothing about a creator. It's one of the many things we don't know even know what dark matter and dark energy are and that makes up 95% of the known universe.

We know so little about nature.

I don't believe in god but I would always be open to the idea.

This is a very good channel which tries to answer some of the questions about the universe.
I have read all of the theories about the creation of the universe but how can something be created from nothing. If the Universe was created by a God then who or what created God?

I always wonder, if the universe is still expanding, what is it expanding into? Something outside the universe?

I find the concept of the singularity prior to the big bang mind-blowing too. My understanding is that conventional laws of physics didn't apply at that point.
I've seen Jesus in a vision somewhere in Manchester, he descended from the clouds with his arms out stretched and a big grin on his face. Then Activ-8 kicked in, the dry ice dispersed and the rush was out of this world!

Who created house music if god didn't!