Tell us you're a massive racist without telling us you're a massive racist.

I don't think you understand - I (and others) feel sick and, sometimes, scared when we call out racism.

I think I know why you don't understand and, btw, lots of racists don't think they are - even when recent posts could be used as evidence against them.
👏 spot on 1finny
"I cant be a racist because I have lots of "insert minority here" friends

"but surely all lives matter?"

"why isnt there a Music of White Origins awards show? The MOWO's if you will.
I saw a washing up liquid / car / bank / sausages advert the other day and everyone in it was black / Indian / non-white. It's ridiculous 'they' are only 6% of the population etc. etc.

If rappers say it about each other and call each other it, I don't see why I can't say it, that's racist against me........
Racism is a blight on our society and light should be shone wherever that darkness pervades, I think in the case we are discussing jingoism and nationalism have leaked across into the fertile petri dish of Xenophobia, which of course is the gateway phobia into racism and hate speech.

These kind of attitudes are created by policy that refuses to help all those in need, we should have a society where there are no need for priorities as we strive to give everybody opportunity, as others have pointed out the outrage should be at people like our erstwhile Prime Minister, making over a million in declared side hustles and using tax payers money to defend himself over breaking parliamentary law, not a relocated family who are trying to secure the best future and opportunity for their children.

These stories are carefully selected to distract and stir the Xenophobes into anger at the 'injustice and ingratitude of it all' knowing they won't look into the true causes and policies that have lead to situations like these to arise, playing to ingrained narrative that immigration is the problem whilst paying scant regard to exposing the manifesto and ministerial promises on affordable and local authority housing that have been totally ignored.

My concern is instead of dog piling Fat Cat we should not miss the fact that racism is alive and ignored by many voters in this area, look at Andy Preston's Rwandan comments earlier this week, and the background of Cleveland Police and Crime commissioner, his association with some rather unsavoury Far Right organisations and attendance at fund raisers and rallies.
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Dunno but Johnny Vincent is very busy - he’s currently going through the backlog of any thread I’ve ever raised and adding a sad emoji to it. He could be sometime! Last seen adding an emoji to the cattermole thread - well if it makes him happy!
You are an absolute Doyle