Spotify Wrapped 2023

Can anyone help an old man get to his top 20 songs??


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Probably driven by going to see Springsteen (for the first time) in the Summer and re-acquainting myself with his discography.

This will likely be my last wrapped as switched to Qobuz last week (although I'll keep Spotify Prem for books and podcasts).
They released two albums last year so that probably accounts for some of their popularity. Having said that, First Two Pages Of Frankenstein (the first of last year's albums) is truly excellent (so I'd recommend starting there!)

The low amount of minutes listened seems very strange to me. Also got the weird "crank wave" in my genre breakdown too. Is Spotify just memeing or something.
Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 16.48.24.png

Mine was heavily influenced by the new Nothing But Thieves album and the AM gig at the Riverside.

My wife must have listened to a lot of Abba during the Eurovision week.