So who's next for having a shot at being PM

May had been dealt Cameron's bad deal, did what she thought was best,
That’s a very generous appraisal as she was absolutely inept arguably the worst most non existent pm we’ve ever had (up to that point) .

weak inept with zero influence on any thing really hated by the nation hated by her own party and even hated by the police ( from her home sec spell) and holds the unique position of losing her job as prime minister not at the polls but whilst actually in office.

she was a complete car crash of a politician look at how non existent she is now even as a back bencher.

others seem to agree

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You really think so. Nowhere near where it could be but worse where they would like it to be
Our NHS is for the most part still in public hands.

If this cabal get another five years in power. Most everything we value will go, all of it.
This is why we need a Labour/Lib dem pack in the next election to oust this lot! The then need to set about true electoral reform with PR so that EVERY voice is heard, and EVERY vote counts.

The tories would probably split hard right / centre right and the left can do the same.