Rioting in Hartlepool tonight

There was probably 25-50% of the people involved in Hartlepool who were politically motivated last night, the rest will be local scum, I knew a few firefighters in Hartlepool back 10 - 15 years ago and they regularly get attacked by mobs "just for a laugh

On a separate note, why has the Gazette online hidden the faces of individuals involved? l can imagine the reaction if the same had happened after Leeds the other week.
The danger is that this bunch of mindless thugs drag everybody down with them, the more reaction they get the more impact they will think they are having.
I think it's important to demonstrate disapproval like in London last weekend. A few years ago when EDL were marching in the town centre they were outnumbered by the opposition even though most of them were bussed in from other areas.
I'd like to organise an English patriots demonstration using the medium of dance, specifically Morris dancing.

What could be more patriotic than a huge Morris dance through England's towns and cities, reclaiming our streets ?
I know what you'll say though, " They'll bring Cream teas, and what about the arguments about how to cut the scone, jam first, cream first etc"

Well if all kicks off, then every copper that's there, denying the patriots the right to wear big frilly hats and bells on socks deserves to have a jammy, creamy scone sliding down the front of their riot shield.
To draw a comparison from local history, the Cannon Street Riots. The cause of which was a someone being killed in a fight they provoked, the guy (an Arab) killed a white British man is self defence (or so the evidence suggests but its unclear), a mob descended on the Taj Mahal café on Cannon Street smashing the window and starting a riot.

Reports and testimony from that day shows that a significant portion of those rioting midway through are probably not aware and or do not care, of the underlying cause.

The historical question about that riot is its place in the historiography and its macro causations. Was it part of a series of riots in the 50, 60s and 70s, around immigration, increasing poverty and neglect of Northern towns?
What is interesting and where I feel the parallel to now exists, is race/immigration was often the flashpoint but the overall issues where greater. Often the racial tension was flared up and used as an excuse by bad actors to flare up trouble for their own ideological ends. They preyed on the situation and issues people of the time where suffering and gave them an "other" to direct their frustrations at.
I believe this is what we are seeing here, a forgotten underclass with little to no social mobility or prospects angry at the world and been told its all the brown people's fault.

Yes there will have been some "believers" of far-right ideology there, but a significant number were there because they are angry and given an excuse to vent that anger.

Just my opinion for what its worth.

(Edit to tidy up language at the start)
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A prominent member of another Boro forum is planning to be there, who has openly spoken about voting for/supporting the BNP in the past.

But that forum definitely doesn't harbour racists, it's important to note.
Was this member formally prominent on here under a few different guises also, per chance?
A prominent member of another Boro forum is planning to be there, who has openly spoken about voting for/supporting the BNP in the past.

But that forum definitely doesn't harbour racists, it's important to note.
My word, I wish I hadn’t looked.

Some of the rhetoric on that forum is disgusting, it is definitely worth giving Cleveland’s finest a heads up about those racist parasites.

How can these idiots think it’s okay to use the death of three children for their own agendas?

I am sickened to my very core.
The council are aware of this potential gathering and are in constant touch with the police. Any info people have or see would be most helpful, in total confidence of course, my DM's are open at all times, posters, like this, and copy of chats are very helpful.
My word, I wish I hadn’t looked.

Some of the rhetoric on that forum is disgusting, it is definitely worth giving Cleveland’s finest a heads up about those racist parasites.

How can these idiots think it’s okay to use the death of three children for their own agendas?

I am sickened to my very core.
which forum is it?