Remember Topsoft?

I loved that shop.
Spent many an hour in there with my mates sifting through the 3 1/2" floppy's :sneaky:
Got my Amiga 500 from there along with x copy pro. Great times.
Amiga 500

I had both of these for waaaay longer than their official support, before finally getting a Sega Mega Drive II in 1994.

Used to buy all my games from Chips on Linthorpe Rd, though.
Same. Well, similar. Had the C64. Parents bought it off my posh mate when he got the Amiga.
And eventually upgraded to the Amiga myself a few years later.
I think Chips killed off Topsoft in Stockton. There was a Chips on Silver Street. To be fair, that was also a very good and welcoming shop - but I'll always have a soft spot for top soft. (try saying that when your drunk)

After the Amiga I progressed to the PlayStation 1 and now it's a PS5 that I share with my spoilt kids.