Queen Elizabeth

Id suggest much of the commonwealth preferred Tina Turner
I've always had a bit of a downer on Tina since I was marched out of school and forced to wait several hours for her to cut the ribbon on the Billingham Forum in 1967. Quite what the hell Ike was doing in that naval uniform I have no clue.
All this guff about ‘oh I’d rather have a king/queen than an elected president coz you end up with trump’

If you have a proper written constitution you avoid any president over reaching. You can also have a proportional voting system that means no single party or individual has a total monopoly on power

It seems to work for most other countries - some even retain a royal family.

You just need to stop living in the past, doffing your cap and being told it can’t change
I am sure the queen would have wanted us all to live just like her.
Good healthcare
Universal Basic Income
Good social housing
They are parasitic, racist, inbred morons.
They are also delusional as well

Did the monarchy have any links to slavery, yes we need a commission to look into that one.

Here’s a clue charlie look up the word empire. You basically created the slave trade.

I honestly thought this was a joke when I first heard it.
They are a product of the goldfish bowl we put them in. All the nonsense about "service" and "duty" is just the lies we tell them reflected back at us. We make them feel entitled by telling them that they are.

I honestly believe that the monarchy is as bad for those imprisoned within it as it is for the country. The real benefactors are the others who maintain their positions in influence and privilege almost as a by product of the monarchy. The monarchy as an institution enables those who just want to make sure that wealth and privilege do not become transitory that we do not become meritocratic. Keep us "scum" in our places.

It's a lovely lie with some nice flags and songs and we get to feel all superior to Johnny Foreigner whilst our "betters" rob us as they have always done.