Why is it a travesty? 49ers hung on in there and special teams errors (again) cost Green Bay dearly.I went to sleep expecting the packers to cruise it woke up in shock at the result and it is travisty
Totally agree — especially after that first Packers drive where they made the Niners D look ordinary. Many pundits took the Packers over the Niners except for former Dallas coach Jimmy Jones who said that Niners would stop Green Bay from running the ball which they did. Nonetheless the Niners really took over the game in the second half and if Jimmy G had not thrown the pick I think Niners would have won the game at a canter.I like watching the 49 rs. Anything can happen. Green bay has had a problem all season with special teams but it was still a surprise they lost.
Rams have dominated this game — just too many injuries for the Bucs to ever compete in this one.If Brady wins from here there is no doubt he is the Greatest of All Time!