Name 1 thing

People you work with who are TFA’s . Saying “ That’s F##k All “at anything you’ve done .
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Loud eaters.
Munch munch munch.
Or particularly with Kettle chips, crunch crunch crunch.
Can't stand it.

Out of interest, how do you eat Kettle Chips without crunching them? (You could suck them I suppose).

Bought and brought is annoying. It's not difficult.
Women in shops.
They somehow have developed a strange walk, taking long strides but moving ever so slowly as they stalk the clothing rails. The need to touch everything and then try things on leaving poor suffering blokes outside getting bored.
The final insult is paying for the chosen items, the inability to get the purse out until the last minute, having to find change in the lowest denominations.
Drives me round the bend