Moving Virgin box into another room.


Well-known member
We are having a change around in the house and we are wanting to move the virgin media box to another room.

Virgin media want £99 for the box to be moved which seems really expensive.

We also have virgin media WiFi black spots in the house. Virgin offer WiFi boosters, I don’t really want to get into another contract.

Does anyone work for virgin media who knows a way around avoiding the £99 fee or any engineers who can does the move a better rate?
Depends if new point is closer or further away. If it’s closer 100 is steep if it’s further so need to joint cables etc then it’s a fair price with travel and Labour.

Id maybe try putting a looking for post on Facebook / marketplace see if you can find someone who does it out of hours for abit of extra beer money.
Virgin media came out to me and recommended TP Link mesh system for black spots you can get them from Amazon for about £100
it is in completely different room, about 10 metres away from its current point.

pitch on here if anyone from virgin fancies a beer money cash job. 👍
Why do you want to move the box is it purely to get better WiFi or simply aesthetics ie not to see the box in the room. I would suggest keeping the vrign box in the same room, buy a decent WiFi router or mesh system and put the new router next to the virgin box the virgin box goes into modem mode and doesn't do anything apart from pass the Internet to the new box.
We are having a change around in the house and we are wanting to move the virgin media box to another room.

Virgin media want £99 for the box to be moved which seems really expensive.

We also have virgin media WiFi black spots in the house. Virgin offer WiFi boosters, I don’t really want to get into another contract.

Does anyone work for virgin media who knows a way around avoiding the £99 fee or any engineers who can does the move a better rate?
Phone retentions and tell them you want to give them your 30 days notice to cancel as Sky can offer free installation with multi room and put the boxes exactly where you want them. They should soon knock some money off.