Middle class coke heads...

Veering away from the drug aspect of this thread when I was younger the term "middle class" referred to people such as solicitors and doctors. Nowadays the term "middle class" seems to have shifted to include people in professions such as nurses/teachers. Furthermore, its no longer based as much on income as it used to be.
Veering away from the drug aspect of this thread when I was younger the term "middle class" referred to people such as solicitors and doctors. Nowadays the term "middle class" seems to have shifted to include people in professions such as nurses/teachers. Furthermore, its no longer based as much on income as it used to be.

I've never actually heard middle class be used in that style here, but if it has, it will be seeping in from the American definition.

Middle class is a much broader term over there and most of their terminology slips in to ours eventually.
In my younger days I was like the 24 hour party people. House music, ecstasy, dancing and loving people. I know people who did cocaine but it never looked appealing to me. They'd just sit and it wasn't unusual for some to become a bit paranoid after snorting all night. Seems stupid then and definitely now!
Veering away from the drug aspect of this thread when I was younger the term "middle class" referred to people such as solicitors and doctors. Nowadays the term "middle class" seems to have shifted to include people in professions such as nurses/teachers. Furthermore, its no longer based as much on income as it used to be.
I don't really agree with that, it's more about background and general outlook and family wealth. I'd say a nurse or teacher would fit into either category depending on other factors

(Not that I'm a fan of class terms, and there's not real definition of course)
Frankly don't give a flying fk who puts who in which class pocket.
It's a system inherited from decades ago when people accepted their status and doffed their caps.
No idea who the upper and middle classes are.
And anyone that thinks they're upper class are usually lacking in any kind of class.
Anyone wearing middle class as a badge of honour usually isn't! Most of us use it in a desparaging way, as self depreciating or to slag off our kids friends parents!!
I've met thousands of people who would consider themselves middle class but would be in serious, serious trouble within 5 weeks if there income stopped ( or even dropped), not much of a status eh?
The distinction between working and middle class has become very blurred.
Ruffians can now earn top money working offshore etc

I'd argue middle class now means a set of values, experiences and possessions rather than necessarily an income level.

For example things that I'd class as "middle class" are shopping at Waitrose, John Lewis, having an Aga, going skliing, Le Creuset pans, piano in your house, private school for the kids or going to the ballet.

Not having all of them doesn't make you not middle class, and by the same token having some of them doesn't make you middle class, they're just indicators that someone probably could be described as middle class.
It’s one of the few products these days that sells without any of the scrambling for the moral high ground and virtue signalling that surrounds a lot of legal products.
You’ve got people buying fair trade, ethical, eco friendly, vegan items etc. with one hand and then with the other, grabbing a couple of bags of sniff which is none of those things.
It also turns people into insufferable boring doyles, who’ve got no awareness of how much of a ****** they’ve turned into.
I’ve never touched it, but it affects me, as it’s difficult to have a night out in town now without being surrounded by it.