Marijuana - legalise it?

Gange. Stays in the head forever..
Yeah, right. I'm pretty sure that all the pills and the 'shrooms and the acid had a far more profound influence on the more creative side of my career than smoking a couple of p*ss weak joints back in my teens ever did.
Yeah, right. I'm pretty sure that all the pills and the 'shrooms and the acid had a far more profound influence on the more creative side of my career than smoking a couple of p*ss weak joints back in my teens ever did.
Well that's something anyway
I used to enjoy it, but there are 2 potential problems now. If I walk past someone smoking it now it really stinks, and I believe it's far stronger than it used to be. Also with the introduction of drugs wipes and the fact it stays in your system longer it's not possible to smoke it unless you don't drive.
That's part of the problem for me. Anything that's legal - drinking, sex, texting, watching telly, knitting - eventually people decide it's reasonable to do it whilst at the wheel of a car. I think we have enough legal things.
I'm gobsmacked. Who's ever tried knitting while doing?
I used to enjoy it, but there are 2 potential problems now. If I walk past someone smoking it now it really stinks, and I believe it's far stronger than it used to be. Also with the introduction of drugs wipes and the fact it stays in your system longer it's not possible to smoke it unless you don't drive.
It's detectable in your system for a few weeks but it is no longer active and you wouldn't fail a test.