Let's talk about..... Soup!

Lady Felicia

Well-known member
I like soup, in fact I love soup!

FMTTM'ers, What's your top three? I'd go with...

1) Lentil & Bacon
2) Chinese style Chicken & Sweetcorn
3) Spicey 3 bean

Cor blimey Guv'nor. I'm bloody starving now!
I make my own soup/broth a lot, I save my chicken carcasses and freeze them when the get 3 or 4 I cut them up a bit and boil them then throw in a load of onions and rice.

1. Cullen Skunk
2. Leek and potato
3. Scotch Broth

I lived on soup alone for a month when I had my wisdom teeth out. I found that the fancy soups that the soupermarkets sell is far worse than the cheap stuff like heinz.
We have one of those soup makers, where you just cut it up roughly and chuck it in. Butternut squash and Chilli, served with a whole fresh beetroot in the middle(takes the heat away)

Carrot & Coriander
Pea & Ham from ham shank and dumplings.
Soft Noodle.

Steak and Onion Heinz Big Soup
Anything that's left in the fridge soup - preferably with fresh ginger. Pumpkin soup not mentioned yet, and one of the easiest to make.
I can honestly say I've never met a soup I didn't like. I've only ever encountered Newy's soup in a posh restaurant where it was on the menu as "soupe d'emetique".
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Worst value soup in the super is, imo, Heinz cream of chicken. 95 pc water and cornflour, 3pc chicken flecks or spelks, then some coloring and spices. That's it. 1 quid 75p will see u go home with this criminal lack of value. Can do it at home for 10p