Jail for a kiss

A man used his position of authority to sexually assault the lady in question. Then he used that authority and privilege to try and escape any responsibility for his actions.

Anyone who fails to see anything wrong or claim "it's just a kiss" need to reassess their morals.
A man used his position of authority to sexually assault the lady in question. Then he used that authority and privilege to try and escape any responsibility for his actions.

Anyone who fails to see anything wrong or claim "it's just a kiss" need to reassess their morals.
There’s no question he was in the wrong.

I suppose lots of people, though, see different levels of sexual assault, a kiss being pretty low down and rape/battery being much higher. I don’t think it’s right to just say it’s all the same. Though I’m not saying they are.

The coercion stuff is what is more of an issue I think.
So, all we have to do is make him live for 20 years as a woman in a "macho" society where even rape is not adequately prosecuted or punished and then put him on a platform in front of a crowd of 40k with the international media watching and have him snogged by Donald Trump.

That do?
Macho Society?