Houchen on the run.

Houchen is a complete tool and thats being polite. He uses every opportunity to attack labour. One thing i will agree on is that the mayor promised if he was elected it would be removed within days. It is still there.
i dont have much faith in the new mayor, although i did vote for him. Anything had to be better than preston.
This still remains to be seen as of yet.
They're all as bad as each other regardless of party.
Houchen threatened to pull Middlesbrough Council funding if the new Mayor removed the bollards

"Council facing TVCA pressure to keep cycle lane mayor wants scrapped"

They are just as bad as each other at the moment. I would have been voting Labour though. They might be ****, but the Tories are **** so it’s worth a punt.

It’s just a shame that’s all the left pretty much have to go on since Starmer tried to purge us.
I can't agree with that "as bad as each other" line. I just can't. Not after the mountain of Tory corruption
Where is the new Middlesbrough Mayor? Why haven't local Labour been able to come into the social media age? Why does everyone seem to never hear or see our representative? Why cant they go on the attack rather than sit back and watch mud thrown. Local Labour ALWAYS seem to be on the back foot. Right now you have to be both effective in running the town and be savvy with the marketing and optics. Its no good pretending only one of those options is good enough. This issue should be aggressively exploited. Its not good enough!
What do you mean where is he? He's sat there being mayor and doing the job.

If you mean where is his view, have you checked his socials? He already posted and came with receipts


I bet its not straight, or well lit.

Its like having our very own Teesside Trump.

Then we have his mate, PCC Turner who once received a Police Caution for handling stolen goods.

Then you have Michael Gove who probably only got interested in Teesside when Houchen told him we had huge Coke ovens.

welcome to The Banana Republic of Teesside.
#BrexitSlug Gove and his coke ovens - lmao:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

#BrexitSlug Gove and his coke ovens - lmao:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Always worth watching that again. If any of us turned up for work in that state, we'd be sacked immediately.