Hemming and Brynn


New member
does anybody know which one the club has greater expectations in as both seem to have done well on loan the last couple of seasons
does anybody know which one the club has greater expectations in as both seem to have done well on loan the last couple of seasons
Not sure either will ever get a chance in the first team to be honest. They're not young kids, Brynn is 23 and Hemming is 24. I've not seen either but they seem to have done well when they've gone out on loan to various clubs. We had Joe Lumley a couple of seasons ago. Surely they were both better than him?
From someone I know who is part of the club, they rate Sol Bryn very highly. From what he told me, admittedly this was a few months ago, I'd be very surprised if he wasn't number 2, or even number 1 (depending on Seny's future) come August.
Watched Hemming at the weekend v Celtic.
His feet were planted and very slow moving for one of Celtic's goals.
Might sound like nit-picking, but I look for quick feet in a keeper and he ain't got that.
Top of the Championship is mega competitive and a really good keeper is a 'must have' if you want to compete, especially with the way we play.
Not sure either will ever get a chance in the first team to be honest. They're not young kids, Brynn is 23 and Hemming is 24. I've not seen either but they seem to have done well when they've gone out on loan to various clubs. We had Joe Lumley a couple of seasons ago. Surely they were both better than him?

I think that is still "kids" territory for goalkeepers. They tend to mature 3-4 years later than outfield players.

I'd look at someone like Kasper Schmeichel; at a similar age he was playing 4th tier football (not on loan), having previously played for Darlo, Falkirk and Bury.
Many had written him off because he was "not as good as his dad" from birth. Yet he became a top tier keeper in his own right.

I think Jason Steele has similarly developed into a good keeper in his early 30s, but some still hold errors he made in his early 20s against him. That's poor judgement when critiquing a keeper: they're not the finished product until at least 28
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I’ve seen Brynn and Hemming both this season. Brynn at Peterborough v Orient and Hemming St Mirren v Motherwell
Both good keepers but if I was going to keep one I’d say the former
I like both Dieng and Glover as #1/#2 but if Glover is to leave - I'd favour bringing Hemming back as our #2 and loaning Brynn out to potentially a bottom-half Championship team (if one needs a keeper) with the potential of him becoming our #1 in the future.

If Dieng leaves - obviously the GK coaches at the club know how good they much better than I do - but I think it's a massive risk giving either of them the #1 spot.

It's good to have the options out on loan though - we should do it with more positions.
I'd sell Hemming, and look to Brynn as our future number one.

I'm not sure whether having him as our number two would be better for his development than another loan though.

Barring a long cup run or a bad injury, it'll be a year of barely playing.
seen a bit of hemming doesnt look up to it

brynn looks alright but hes not going to play over dieng so probably needs to keep going out on loan
I'd sell Hemming, and look to Brynn as our future number one.

I'm not sure whether having him as our number two would be better for his development than another loan though.

Barring a long cup run or a bad injury, it'll be a year of barely playing.
Thats the tricky decision.

If Sol isn't gonna be No 1, I think we will look to see if we could get a championship loan for him. They will give him every chance to be that No1 pre season though.

There will be a lot of variables involved, like potential moves for Glover/Dieng, what sort of offers we get ofr hemming/Sol permanent or otherwise, contract situation etc etc
I have also seen both this season and rated Hemming a lot higher than Brynn. But I have seen more of Hemming and he has had an outstanding season with St Mirren. Perhaps still more to come from both. Not a bad problem. I would also move Glover on. Keep Dieng he has been very good this season