Got myself a budgie on Sat

I wonder if the budgie has kidnapped Scuba, or worse still murdered him and hid the body under the sandpaper and a few well placed seed husks.

Funky to answer your question about the bell and your ear. The budgie could see its reflection in the bell, and budgies have no self awareness so he would have thought the reflection in the bell was another bird.

He tweeted and the bird in the bell tweeted back, assuming they had devices with the twitter application installed, . He was then either getting frustrated with the reflection or trying to groom it.

Finally the bird wasn't nibbling your ear, it was nibbling the hairs on your ear Its a form of grooming that all parrots and parakeets do.

A woman brings her budgie to the vet's.​

It is lying very still and limp. "I'm afraid it's dead" says the vet, but the woman refuses to believe him. "Please", she says, "can't you examine it at least?" The vet goes to the door and whistles. In trots a black Labrador. The vet points to the budgie, and the dog goes over to the table, puts his paws up, and gives a good sniff at the little bird, before shaking his head at the vet and trotting out again. Then a tabby cat comes in. It jumps on the table, walks over to the budgie, and examines it, flipping it over with its paw. It too shakes its at the vet and leaves the room.
"I'm afraid that confirms my diagnosis," says the vet. "Your budgie is unfortunately dead. That will be £500 please." "What?!" Says the woman. "That's outrageous. How can it cost so much?" "Well," replies the vet, "my fee is only £50. But when you include the lab report and the CAT scan..."
Thanks for the kind words people 🙂 Decided to call him Sol, not after Campbell but the big bright thing that provides our light...

He's doing ok I think! Making a lot more noise now but he's only done the angry noise a few times out of that and he's eating and drinking so I think he's happy enough. Have had him out a few times, the first time he panicked and it took him ages to find a landing point, he even bumped into the wall and fell to the floor a couple of times, bless him. I have to physically remove him from his cage though as I don't think he knows how to get out otherwise, but he knows where he wants to land now at least and usually (eventually) gets on the perch I take from his cage to get him back in. He's very placid.