Go get 'em girl!


Active member
Ooh! them pesky, sleazy, no morals Tories and their extravagant expense claims!
Hold on a minute!
Surely not! This must be a mistake!
She's a Labour MP, and a high ranking one to boot.

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I am assuming you misunderstood the context of Mordaunt's rant. She is talking rubbish and obfiscating. The issue isn't that donors donate to political parties. It is the orghanisations that a) donate to the tory party and b) those organizations that donate to the Labour party.

I really don't know why I am botheing.
I am assuming you misunderstood the context of Mordaunt's rant. She is talking rubbish and obfiscating. The issue isn't that donors donate to political parties. It is the orghanisations that a) donate to the tory party and b) those organizations that donate to the Labour party.

I really don't know why I am botheing.
Daily Fail - 'nuff said
I'm assuming you didn't bother watching the video either. She's another hypocritical socialist with her snout in the trough
I'm assuming you didn't bother watching the video either. She's another hypocritical socialist with her snout in the trough
I watched the video yesterday and bothered to look at the finaincial statements form the commons, did you?
I'm assuming you didn't bother watching the video either. She's another hypocritical socialist with her snout in the trough
Quite fankly if that's the level of your underrstanding then carry on, I have better things to do.
Mordaunt is a horrible specimen.

Lasted 85 days as Defence Secretary and famously (incorrectly) stated that the UK could not stop Turkey from joining the EU.
"Because if you were to take every single MP she's made an allegation about this afternoon, and you were to look at all the political donations they've received since the pandemic started - since January 2020 - if you were to add them all up, if you were to double them, no, if you were to quadruple them you would still just about match what [Ms Rayner] herself has received in the same time period."

You crack on Laughing
And Alexander de feffle paid for the wallpaper as well.

You can believe everything and anything that a Tory MP says in Parliament, as long as you're a gullible idiot.
And so the insults start.
My favourite part of the video is where Rayner slinks lower and lower into her seat trying to cover her embarrassment with her mask.
"Because if you were to take every single MP she's made an allegation about this afternoon, and you were to look at all the political donations they've received since the pandemic started - since January 2020 - if you were to add them all up, if you were to double them, no, if you were to quadruple them you would still just about match what [Ms Rayner] herself has received in the same time period."

You crack on Laughing
No context there at all, you are either too stupid to understand the issue or you are a shill. Don't care which, it's not my responsability to educate you.
Why did raynor put her mask on with absolutely no one around. Both had very good hair days but I think mordaunt wins again