For retro gamers this Valentine’s Day


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Tomb Raider original trilogy has been remastered and is available to download on Valentine’s Day, I have been looking forward to this for a while!
The first two games are among my favourite games of all time (particularly the first game) but the third was absolute garbage.

What's the point in remastering the first game when Anniversary exists though?
The first two games are among my favourite games of all time (particularly the first game) but the third was absolute garbage.

What's the point in remastering the first game when Anniversary exists though?
The second game is my third best game of all time, the third was good I thought until you get to the last 2-3 levels.

Anniversary was a remake not a remaster.
Have they finally revealed "the combination code" urban legend which every teenage boy in the 90s spoke about but nobody ever saw, where Lara Croft was less than fully clothed 😂
I let Lara down quite a lot , very unhappy about that. PS1 , I was very good at the puzzles and thinking out the scenarios but couldnt quite get the hang of the pinpoint jump or move elements, Therefore, Lara ended up in a pit of wooden spikes with the accompanying moan of death. Was very brutal, with me being sensitive to it , In the end I had to stop playing and move to Colin McRaes's rally or Metal Gear Solid.
Tomb Raider original trilogy has been remastered and is available to download on Valentine’s Day, I have been looking forward to this for a while!
TR1 one of the first games i had on PS1. all's i had before that was Snes and Master system. my 10 year old head was Fried. Will be all over the remastered version.

The T-rex Level on TR1 and Venice on TR2. both quality.
TR1 one of the first games i had on PS1. all's i had before that was Snes and Master system. my 10 year old head was Fried. Will be all over the remastered version.

The T-rex Level on TR1 and Venice on TR2. both quality.
TR2 was a masterpiece, a proper sequel.
Never enjoyed them. Never got the fuss around them. Trying to time the jumps was infuriating. 1st game has aged horribly.
I have vivid memories of watching my older brother play the original games on his PS1 when I was very young.

Never played them myself, but enjoyed the Uncharted games and they’re very similar aren’t they?

Might wait a month or two for the price to come down.
I have fond memories of these games cause I used to play them with my mum when I was a kid who also loved them. Particularly fun memory of Tomb Raider 2 where I saved her game in the middle of a jump off a ledge so every time she loaded the game she was met by Lara smashing in to the floor dead. Fun times.
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