Ex - Health Secretary Hancock - a confirmed hypocrite - caught lying to the public and his family by CCTV [Mail]

Whilst on a human level I agree, the truth is it’s not illegal to have an affair and many people from all walks of like have done it, I’m also sure that, rightly or wrongly, if he’d broken the guidelines in a non-sexual way the coverage wouldn’t be as prominent, but he has created a perfect storm for himself, the fact he’s not resigned to take himself and his family out of the limelight despite an obvious breach of the rules tell you what a single minded, selfish individual he is.
I think there is another angle on this in that at a time when Hancock needed some humility and introspection to properly deal with the health side of the pandemic, this Gina has been feeding his ego and his self confidence to a degree that must have affected his judgement.

Health Minister are you doing the best job you can do?

I must be because my closest advisor who is married with three kids just can’t get enough of me.

He has been living in a sex fuelled bubble.
That’s all I know; sources on Twitter saying they’ll be a day 3 and maybe a day 4 of information coming against Matt Hancock
Seems we share similar sources Gaz. I've heard the same too. Expecting a big story to sell the Sunday papers and then a follow up on Monday to set a media agenda for the week.
Good to see he saw to it himself she was double jabbed. Probably over the end of the desk he should have been working at.

Seems he’s left a parting shot ‘we owe to the country to be honest with them when we’ve let them down’

watch your back PM is the parting words in my mind from that