Increased employers national insurance contributions forcing up costs.
Giving inflation busting pay rises to public sector workers that were no doubt justified, but were definitely the wrong place and the wrong time.
Created Uncertainty in an economy that was barely functioning as it was, strangling any hope of growth and investment
Borrowing yet more money to fund ridiculous civil projects focused once again in the South whilst pulling investment where it was needed in the North.
That Budget in October was wrong... it was clear to everyone the damage it would do yet Labour took the gamble. The gamble has failed and the Economy is tanking. best case scenario is we get a mild recession for this half of this year.
worse case scenario is that the markets smell blood like they are currently doing and force the debt gilds interest up, crash the markets and the currency.
If they do this we wont recover for years, Interest rates hit 1980s levels, taxes up to unprecedented levels, mass unemployment, mass repossessions etc, etc