Conspiricy Theorists


Well-known member
I know it's always been a thing, but has anyone noticed Covid has started what seems to be a whole new wave of conspiricy theorists?

What i've noticed with them, is they will now question everything in the news, and always think there's some ulterior motive to any news story.

I bet you there's people out there who truly believe the war in Ukraine is just an excuse to raise gas prices.
My mate's wife has gone Covid/conspiracy theory bonkers. It's putting a real strain on their marriage, and pretty grim for my mate. I won't be surprised if she's a 'Flat Earther' by the next time I see them!
They've always been around just like trolls/bullies. The thing was that previously these idiots were isolated but with social media they can connect with like minded souls and have a wider audience. This gives the appearance that they have attained a 'critical mass' but they haven't really. Trolls are the same, once they could only make the lives of those immediately around them a misery now the world is their oyster.
What fires up a conspiracy theorist is the idea that they have knowledge or info no one else has and they can either share it or feel better about themselves knowing stuff the "sheep" don't know. By typing this, I'm sort of doing the same, but I can accept being corrected. Conspiracy nuts don't like being told different views can be true too.
The latest conspiracy is the American General stuck in Maripor. They don’t seem to believe the photos and him personally denying it on a linked in post that he’s actually at a conference in Turkey.

They are nuts
It's strange how Conspiracy theories appear to have a sinister edge these days.

Years ago it was UFO's are real, the Royals are Lizards, The Illuminati rule the world and there was hidden trasures left by the Knights Templar at Rennes le Chateau.
Critical thinking is an important skill, but with this I think you have to be very aware of your bias and the bias of those you are listening to.

A lot of conspiracy theory is highly plausible on the surface, and if you don't have reflect on what you are reading and the narrative I think it can be quite attractive.

I see most media in a similar light- they all push an agenda that drives people to feel they are educating themselves on a subject while often driving an agenda that is a little more murky/ bias.
The thing that always gets me is they can never say why. Sure, believe covid is a hoax, the earth is flat, vaccines have nanobots etc but why? What is the benefit to anyone of covid or the earth being flat? It doesn't make sense.

Who was the conspiracy guy that used to post on the old board? Problem with people like that making huge predictions about new world orders, hidden planets, 1 step away from true enlightenment type people is they eventually run out of excuses when their predictions fail to materialise again.
It's also strange how they normally believe ALL conspiracy theories. You rarely get someone who says "Yeah 9/11 was a hoax, but yeah I certainly believe that they put a man on the moon"...
I have my doubts to 9/11, considering there was a spate of incidents around the world by various govts which provided the public motivation to go in to wars, for instance the Russian apartment bombings which are now openly talked about in western mainstream press as FSB. The problem is the inner workings of power are so removed from our experience that we have to rely on news and political scetchings and they are only offered to us because they are part of the machinery of power and rule and they follow a narrative which is acceptable to the system.

Which doesn't mean I am a conspiracy theorist on other things, for me it's an acknowledgment that our systems were built on taking resources and land from other people and war is the tried and tested method of doing it, and that is what we did in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya
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Before COVID, I had some interest in conspiracy theories, would often watch YouTube videos from popular content creators where they would talk about some of the biggest theories like 9/11, Mandela Effect, Simulation Theory etc. but also discuss smaller ones related to individual celebrities like if Paul McCartney died years ago, for example.

It was always just a bit of fun, something you would watch for a laugh but also sometimes it would make you think... and then I'd send it to my partner or a mate with a similar interest of watching these and you'd either find a way to dissect the theory or you'd stop and think... hang on!

I have to point out though that these were pretty much always videos made by verified content creators/YouTubers who would just make the videos because they had a similar interest and because they would always bring in the views, like millions.

Although I had this mild interest in conspiracy theories, I never thought COVID might have been one of them, ever. In fact for me it was the time where I had a bit of an awakening (or anti-awakening in this case?) where I had to stop reading certain stuff, such as Reddit, and had to tell people to stop sending me COVID theories as it was getting too much for me, would leave a sour taste if I came across something and just generally wasn't happy.

Then sometime during the first lockdown, there was a 'theory' about the company Wayfair supposedly using their products and website to disguise their involvement in child trafficking, and I would hear family members who would normally dismiss such a thing that began to believe these type of thing. The vaccines were being kept back until Trump wins the election was one of them. I think that was the last straw for me.

It's almost like a cult these days, one big group of sheep, despite what they call 'non-believers', who go from theory to theory, latching on to the current biggest story in the news. Matt Le Tissier is a perfect example of going from a COVID expert to a war propaganda expert.
I have my doubts to 9/11, considering there was a spate of incidents around the world by various govts which provided the public motivation to go in to wars, for instance the Russian apartment bombings which are now openly talked about in western mainstream press as FSB. The problem is the inner workings of power are so removed from our experience that we have to rely on news and political scetchings and they are only offered to us because they are part of the machinery of power and rule and they follow a narrative which is acceptable to the system.

Which doesn't mean I am a conspiracy theorist on other things, for me it's an acknowledgment that our systems were built on taking resources and land from other people and war is the tried and tested method of doing it, and that is what we did in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya

Think about all the planning needed for 9/11 if it were a hoax. Think about how hard that would be to hide at the time, and how even harder it would be to keep it a secret for the last 20 years.
3 conspiracy theorists walk into a bar…… now you can’t tell me that it was just a coincidence!

I recall that there was a conspiracy theory about Princess Diana, it was reported that after her death Princess Diana was on the radio. That actually turned out to be true though, she WAS on the radio, as well as the dashboard, the steering wheel and the windscreen.
I read somewhere that people find 'comfort' in believing conspiracy theories, however outlandish, rather than facing up to the truth. On a simple level take the Sandy Hook school shooting. Some people can't face the fact that 20 small children were murdered and find it easier (i.e. less distressing) to believe that it was all made up. Social media abets this avoidance of the truth with 'bad actors' inventing theories to either push an agenda (anti gun control) or simply make money.
Think about all the planning needed for 9/11 if it were a hoax. Think about how hard that would be to hide at the time, and how even harder it would be to keep it a secret for the last 20 years.
I think at the very worst it might have been allowed to happen, most probably through incompetence as much as intention. It did give the US a pretext for going into Iraq (even though Bin Laden was based in Afghanistan). I then think I might sound a bit mad even thinking this...

The main thing I ask about conspiracy theories is what the end game is? Is there someone who can benefit from it and something tangible that it leads to? People who put forward things like Flat Earth and the 5G Covid conspiracies don't seem able to give a credible answer to these questions. I end up thinking they're just grifting to get famous on YouTube, etc., which is a conspiracy theory of its own, I guess.
Think about all the planning needed for 9/11 if it were a hoax. Think about how hard that would be to hide at the time, and how even harder it would be to keep it a secret for the last 20 years.
I agree with what you are saying but implicit in that is a belief that someone or something would have oversight knowledge and would raise the alarm, as I have got older I realise that many things can go unchallenged or ignored because people don't to want rock the boat or put their lives their jobs in harm's way, so I don't have a clue about the above or how many people it would need but I know that it might not be challenged, and also another way of looking at those many conspiracy theories about this incident is that maybe in there is a truthful one which has been buried intentionally amongst the garbage.