Changing Drinking Habits - Northern Shakers


Active member
I've just read an interesting article in the Gazette about a couple of young lads who set up a mobile cocktail business called Northern Shakers and how they navigated through the pandemic. It got me thinking how much our drinking habits have changed, and if they will ever go back. Many people now have bars at home and instead of going to the pub, are bringing the pub to them. Has the appeal of going to a pub lost it's excitement?
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Not round here. Many pubs are booked out at weekends. The one closest to me has loads of tables and chairs outside on the pavement and they are usually full in the evening. I'm guessing they are getting more business than before the pandemic. Having a bar at home to me is pointless. You go to pubs to see other people.
I can see more nights being spent at home with friends over, and us going to theirs if all doing it as couples/families, but won't detract from nights down the pub with the lads etc.
Hate drinking in the house. Used to have a bottle of wine(or two :giggle:) with the wife on a Sunday. But sinceshe passed away overfour years ago I have herdly opend a nice red. Had one night with a mate and his wif and cleared some wine but still have a few dozen bottles of the stuff. Maybe now the summer is properly here might have some. Apart from that its just a couple of cans when Boro is on TV.
I've just read an interesting article in the Gazette about a couple of young ads who set up a mobile cocktail business called Northern Shakers and how they navigated through the pandemic. It got me thinking how much our drinking habits have changed, and if they will ever go back. Many people now have bars at home and instead of going to the pub, are bringing the pub to them. Has the appeal of going to a pub lost it's excitement?
There's certainly a change. Locally our club has been doing well, the old style boozer round the corner gas been doing well, as has the micro pub. The pub that's opting for the big tables with menus everywhere isn't doing so well, yet the restaurant down the road is.

Maybe we're just slow to follow the path we're being pushed on to?
I think the outdoor eating and drinking will stay.
I asked the guy who runs Muse in Yarm if his outdoor area would stay, I think to paraphrase the answer ‘too bloody right that cost 20 grand’ Or something similar.