Bad decision for this statue?

You are misinterpreting it, it is more of an "installation" to provoke debate (and possibly get chucked in the harbour by fascists), the more I think about it the more I like it.

It's a no win for the knuckle draggers.
I like the idea of having a production line of them. Each time one is thrown in the Harbour, another pops up. It would create a whole new piece on evolving art work in the Harbour.

Perhaps it wouldn't be great for the environment or Harbour in the longer term.
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It was done by an artist to promote their work. They'll get a load of exposure and it will help them shift their other stuff.

I quite like the look of the statue. I don't agree with anyone being involved in their own statues though, that's a bit egotistical. Statues should be tributes to someone that did something important. Although I also agree with the above; don't put any statue there. It'll only get torn down in the future when they find something they don't like about that person anyway.

The only statues I really like are the ones like that Ronaldo one that look nothing like them.
Why is that a strange comment?
It isn’t. ALM and especially WLM need to take a step back.

BLM is a slogan designed to achieve a particular aim; a level playing field. It is without doubt that black people face artificial obstacles in life from the cradle to the grave. Obstacles placed before them by white people. And black people have been fighting this battle for a couple of hundred years. Crime statistics show that black people are less likely to use illegal drugs and less likely to be part of the drug industry, and yet are more likely to be arrested for such crimes and more likely to receive a custodial sentence.

It is undeniable that Black people are more likely to be pulled up in their cars. Undeniable that they are stop and searched more frequently, that they are automatically viewed with suspicion, regarded as thugs and that they are statistically over represented in the prison system and under represented in the boardroom or the dugout, and the purpose of BLM is to draw attention to these things. We all heard the frustration in Michael Holding’s voice as he spoke on the subject.

I’ve no doubt that the vast majority of ALM proponents are well meaning. (I mean all lives matter, who can argue with that right?) but in this instance the appropriation of the slogan is misguided and serves only to dilute the message. If you ask a ALM supporter what their slogan is meant to achieve what do they say? A level playing field? Equality for all? Ok, a worthy cause, but if you then ask them which group of people need change now, what can they say? Black people? Then stop diluting the message and train your sights on the intended target.

I have little to say about those who say WLM because I believe that the vast majority of them are deliberately sabotaging the message as they believe that black people should remain at the bottom of the ladder where they belong. So this statue is a temporary art insulation designed to stimulate debate around the subject. It is nothing to get riled up about but if ALM folk are wary of this then they need to join the debate and explain their intentions and listen to those of others. And if WLM folk are upset by it they can f**k off.
As it is a resin statue I guess it is easily replicated (there will be a mould somewhere). I think that chucking it in the harbour would rather validate the actions of putting it up in the first place. Fly paper for Fascists.

It will not annoy anyone except racists.
If they really want to peak the racists they should mould one for every corner in the city, but place them on rooftops of 3 or 4 story buildings. High enough so that people can't get up and deface them, but low enough that everyone can see what it is :D
I’ve no doubt that the vast majority of ALM proponents are well meaning. (I mean all lives matter, who can argue with that right?) but in this instance the appropriation of the slogan is misguided and serves only to dilute the message. If you ask a ALM supporter what their slogan is meant to achieve what do they say? A level playing field? Equality for all? Ok, a worthy cause, but if you then ask them which group of people need change now, what can they say? Black people? Then stop diluting the message and train your sights on the intended target.
That's exactly it. ALM/WLM are meant as a counter protest to BLM. Some of the people that repeat it may not perceive it that way, because they feel their own lives are difficult and want equality. What they aren't grasping is they want equality with rich white people, the same thing BLM are fighting for.

If you have a problem with BLM then you simply denying that racism exists and should be tackled.

ALM and WLM are certainly being pushed by the libertarian, right wingers, who are trying to divide and conquer the poor, into 2 groups, poor white people and poor non-white people. Because if those two groups ever get together socialist policies, appropriate taxation of the rich, social mobility and meritocracy will become prevalent rather than reduced health and social care, tax avoidance, elitism, and nepotism as pushed for by the right.
Well i'm done with this site. You are so Far Left you are out of site.

You have no clue what the BLM is and what it stands for but you cheer it like sheep. You repeat the same stuff the bias BBC trot out on a daily basis. You complan about more BAME in prison than white (which is untrue by the way) but never ask why they are there. Are they commiting more crimes maybe? Just a thought, of course there is no way that could be, a black person is saintly an can do no wrong.

Here is one of your Far Right racists you speak off being debated to by the same BLM supporters you cheer and protect. I don't remember seeing someone saying Black Lives Matter and being killed for it but we are the racists.

Guess we will never know her opinion, they killed her for it.

And they call people who speak out the racists.

Supposedly now "All Lives Matter" is now a racial slur. That tells you everything you need to know about your beloved BLM. All lives don't matter, only particular ones they decide on. How about the 94% of black homicide victims in America who are shot and killed by black people, i'll repeat that number 94%. There lives do not matter.

See the Don Lemon interview with Terry Crews, he says it clear as day that the BLM is not about those people. It is not about the 3 children under 10 years old that were shot and killed by people that look like them in the last week.

Maybe there name should be changed to "Black LIves Matter When White People Kill Them But Not When Black People Do", doesn't quite roll of the tongue.
I saw the empty plinth in Cavendish Square by change a few years back- got me googling and led me to this.

I quite like the idea of the statue of soap- gradually deteriorates and you can put up another one.

Interesting that the original statue was removed and never to be replaced- with the Duke out of favour due to some of his actions and no appetite to replace him.
Well i'm done with this site. You are so Far Left you are out of site.
You joined this site, to post this one message? You are so far right that you can't see balanced centrism as anything other than marxism.

You have no clue what the BLM is and what it stands for but you cheer it like sheep.
Yeah, I do, it's easily verifiable, on their website.

You complan about more BAME in prison than white (which is untrue by the way) but never ask why they are there. Are they commiting more crimes maybe? Just a thought, of course there is no way that could be, a black person is saintly an can do no wrong.
You complain at the number of black people committing crimes........but you never ask why! Social inequality leading to lack of opportunity and resultant induction into crime.....just a thought. Is that too challenging or would you be more comfortable feeling that black people are inherently criminal?

Supposedly now "All Lives Matter" is now a racial slur.
It's an attempt to undermine a movement for racial equality, so by proxy it is racism.
You complan about more BAME in prison than white (which is untrue by the way) but never ask why they are there.
Nobody said this. But black people are more likely to be given prison sentences and are statistically overrepresented in our prisons.

Supposedly now "All Lives Matter" is now a racial slur. That tells you everything you need to know about your beloved BLM.
This starts as a supposition and then you turn it into a definite and use it to bash BLM.

How about the 94% of black homicide victims in America who are shot and killed by black people
I guarantee that the vast majority of these homicides will be in the most poverty struck areas. Crime is always higher in places of severe deprivation. In the US these areas tend to be predominantly black due to lack of opportunity. On these shores, we had a similar patern of crime in East Glasgow where crime was white on white.
My problem with the BLM movement is that I have yet to see any suggestion of how to improve things, there is a lot of anger and outcry but no practical solution. I agree with them that black people have fewer opportunities and are treated unfairly as a whole compared to white people as a whole.

ALM and WLM are certainly being pushed by the libertarian, right wingers, who are trying to divide and conquer the poor, into 2 groups, poor white people and poor non-white people. Because if those two groups ever get together socialist policies, appropriate taxation of the rich, social mobility and meritocracy will become prevalent rather than reduced health and social care, tax avoidance, elitism, and nepotism as pushed for by the right.

Boromart is right in a sense above in that the poor are being divided into 2 groups, poor white and poor non-white. BLM appears to want to promote opportunities and increase equality for the poor non-whites but accept that the poor whites are ok to stay poor because on average white people are better off than black people. This is where ALM could have a point, but I don't think they know it; the best way to improve the lot of BAME people is to improve the lot of the poor in general. Boromart is correct that equality for all sectors of society are best achieved via socialist policies, fair taxation, increased social mobility and better distribution of wealth.

I don't think that many of the things that BAME suffer from are necessarily due to racism but because they are poor. They suffer the same disadvantages as white people born into poverty. They struggle in school, they struggle to get jobs, they are targeted by police and given harsher sentences due to their economic and social upbringing. There is undoubtedly racism and they have to suffer with poorly educated individuals more than a white person would but I don't think that the majority of the country is racist.
The marches were very mixed white and non white - but often led and focussed by young people. It is the media that are more intent on splitting a movement that is springing from both white and black communities. It is racism that is the divider, that is driving poverty fo so many minorities in this country and through much of the world.