Away ticket allocation idea

You could all pick up points this week in the school holidays v Preston and Leicester. Two games that are medium distance and against very attractive opposition.
Not school holidays this week in Stockton borough (as i actually had Preston tickets in my basket and then doubled checked with the Mrs) and unfortunately my son has academy commitments Saturday, so no we could not pick up any points this week. We have been to two away games this season, Rotherham, as was over xmas (couldnt get Hudds tickets) and West Brom, and we only made kick off with about 10 minutes to spare, The only none clashing, pts allowable fixtures.

The assumption that people "can just build up pts" is a fallacy, as it is entirely dependant on peoples circumstances. The OP's suggestion would at least show some compassion to people who fall into this bracket for what ever reason, whilst if done correctly, shouldn't stop those fans that go to most away games still being at the front of the queue.
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What people are really asking is they want tickets for when we are playing well and in with a chance of going up, but aren’t prepared to support the team when we aren’t doing well. But still want tickets over those who have followed the team regardless
What people are asking, is that those that aren't as fortunate as others, get the chance to go to the in-demand games.

Such a tory attitude to demand a perk on behalf of your own fortunate circumstances.
Not school holidays this week in Stockton borough (as i actually had Preston tickets in my basket and then doubled checked with the Mrs) and unfortunately my son has academy commitments Saturday, so no we could not pick up any points this week. We have been to two away games this season, Rotherham, as was over xmas (couldnt get Hudds tickets) and West Brom, The only none clashing, pts allowable fixtures.

The assumption that people "can just build up pts" is a fallacy, as it is entirely dependant on peoples circumstances. The OP's suggestion would at least show some compassion to people who fall into this bracket for what ever reason, whilst if done correctly, shouldnt stop those fans that go to most away games still being at the front of the queue.
That is very unfortunate for you. I do sympathise.
What people are asking, is that those that aren't as fortunate as others, get the chance to go to the in-demand games.

Such a tory attitude to demand a perk on behalf of your own fortunate circumstances.
Humpty I don't think you know the circumstances and choices people have made to amass their priority points totals,
It isn't just a case of being lucky, You might miss out on family events or just family time. It could be a decision that impacts on your career even. People miss weddings, all sorts of things. I know I have.

Please do not throw insults around - especially because someone is driving to Preston and Leicester and maybe will be going to QPR and Southampton to support their team. Where is the justification in calling people names because they are watching their team/your team?
What people are asking, is that those that aren't as fortunate as others, get the chance to go to the in-demand games.

Such a tory attitude to demand a perk on behalf of your own fortunate circumstances.
I would love a ticket in the England end for a few of the huge World Cup/Euros games, but as I haven’t attended an England game before I’m at the back of the queue. It’s just the way it is

Spend loads of time and money following the club all over the country, but miss out on the biggest game of the season over someone who hasn’t put the time and effort in. Sadly it doesn’t work that way
Humpty I don't think you know the circumstances and choices people have made to amass their priority points totals,
It isn't just a case of being lucky, You might miss out on family events or just family time. It could be a decision that impacts on your career even. People miss weddings, all sorts of things. I know I have.

Please do not throw insults around - especially because someone is driving to Preston and Leicester and maybe will be going to QPR and Southampton to support their team. Where is the justification in calling people names because they are watching their team/your team?
Exactly this! Sure everyone who follows the club all over the country has had to make huge sacrifices to do so. Not sure how anyone can criticise these fans for expecting tickets for a big game

If someone wants to go to an away game, two very easy trips coming up this week with plenty of tickets left, no one is missing out
I can only speak for myself but I had a period where I was going to a lot of, if not most, away games and I hope all the people I helped amass loyalty points are grateful to me.
Your hypothesis doesnt exist. And has never existed in our history.

It only hasn't existed as we haven't had the points system for tickets whilst operating in the Premier League. If you speak to fans of some of the big Premier League clubs who regularly sell out their away allocation it's a real concern that it is effectively a closed shop with only the same faces being able to go time and again to away fixtures. As only the ones that go have enough points to be first in the queue to get them again.

Personally, I'd favour a system where there's an away season ticket available for those fans who go to every away game and rightfully get priority for committing their cash up front, then the rest of the tickets are available for other fans to apply for.
I think it’s possible to feel that the points priority system has merit in giving priority to more frequent attenders, and at the same time to feel that its winner takes all every time nature is still not necessarily “fair”.

It’s not a perfect analogy, but running 23 successive ticket allocations each on a most points wins basis seems to me not unlike running a 23 seat election as 23 successive first past the post ballots, or a single one where every elector has 23 votes Most of us would say that this is not a “fair” electoral system and even the UK doesn’t do this anymore although it’s how the US presidential election works in practice in most states, which is hardly a model to aspire to. Not quite suggesting we apply d’Hondt to away ticket allocations, but we would normally see strict majoritarianism as failing to be truly representative and fair in other walks of life and there’s nothing wrong with trying to moderate it to some extent here.
Please do not throw insults around
Nobody has insulted anyone. If you think it's insulting that a system that rewards the haves at the expense of the have nots is being labelled as Tory then it's the system that you should be insulted by, not the people pointing out that it is a Tory way of doing things.

How many in demand matches have you ever failed to get a ticket? You have been at the front of the queue for every single in demand game. Every time you get a ticket at the expense of someone else you should go to the back of the queue the next time, not the front. If you think otherwise then I'd love to hear a justifiable reason why you should always be first choice.

No, going to matches and missing other events is in no way a sacrifice. It is a choice you make to prioritise one leisure event over another. It's a hobby, something you want to do and something you like doing. The fact anyone would think someone doing something they want to do is a sacrifice and makes them more deserving than someone else is far more insulting than pointing out a system that runs the way a Tory would run it.

I understand why you and others in your situation support the system. It benefits you completely. You never have to worry about missing a match ever. Whether demand exceeds supply once a season or 30x a season you will get 100% of tickets and some people will get 0%. If you are happy with that system then that is understandable but in no way could it be described as fair.

I'm not a season ticket holder. I don't expect to get tickets for any game. I accept that season ticket holders get ahead of me and I go when I can. It's no different to me too when there was no priority system. I'm just an observer of an unfair system.
To add a bit more context in the form of an example. When I was a kid I had a season ticket. We didn't go to many away games because of my dad working and because it's expensive. We did go to some away games and when we did it was usually the ones that were close enough to get to and they were on weekends (although we did go to others as well). I loved going to those games. I saw us win at the Stadium of Light, Elland Road etc. We would try and get tickets for them every season but they were in demand so we were successful once every 2 or 3 years. It never seemed unfair and I still had the chance to go but not every time.

Why would anyone think they have the right to go to 100% of games and deprive other Boro fans of experiencing those big atmosphere, local away games completely. Any system that allows a group of people 100% access and another group 0% is not a fair system.

Someone with a season ticket should have a chance of getting an in demand away game.
Very few go to all away games.
How many away season tickets were issued? 100?
About that. A little more.
I really don't understand Nano's argument at all. Hardly any Boro away games are sell outs. Neither of the matches this week - probably none remaining this season. So he could go to any of them yet he chooses to attack me because I am buying tickets for all the games. Even calls me a Tory. I am not labelling him. Or seeking to means test him. Or judge him in anyway.
Only missed one away match this season Huddersfield at Christmas due to family commitments.Started last season on 70 points so easy enough games to build points up. Can’t see what’s wrong with the system in place now .
See you all at Preston and Leicester UTB
Only missed one away match this season Huddersfield at Christmas due to family commitments.Started last season on 70 points so easy enough games to build points up. Can’t see what’s wrong with the system in place now .
See you all at Preston and Leicester UTB
I don't think it's wrong, its the best system available to ensure those who invest the time and money have access to games, as it should be, And as you have demonstrated, if your circumstances allow, you can build up points over two seasons and put yourself into a position whereby you will always be able to get tickets if required.

The issue some have, and what I feel the OP's original idea will somewhat address, is to allow those fans unable to build up the priority points due their own specific personal circumstances (which i gave my own as an example) THE CHANCE to get a ticket. Not a guaranteed ticket, just a small CHANCE, of which there is currently ZERO.