Anyone having trouble posting or replying

I can't post on two threads - I assumed admin had intervened which would have been bizarre...
Performance v wage spend thread?
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Just tried replying to an "ex footy legs" post and it would not let me post reply until I took his emoji out of his text. And would not let me post this unitl I took emoji from this post.
Just tried replying to an "ex footy legs" post and it would not let me post reply until I took his emoji out of his text. And would not let me post this unitl I took emoji from this post.
Yes Ive just taken atypical's emojis out and I can now reply.
Bizarre given I wasn't remotely bothered by his emojis or posts.
Best to leave emojis out it seems?
I definitely have issues with emojis still, which is a first world problem, but I worry that someone will take one of my hilarious sarcastic jibes the wrong way without them.
The problems all seem to be with our new firewall. I was blocked randomly yesterday, nothing to do with an emoji and it was the firewall.
We will be able to bring back the adverts today because we now know they are 100% free of the pop ups after testing for several days. Also, they are very close to locating the exact source of the awful pop up redirect - as in, where it was getting in to our site has been worked out and the net is getting tighter on the precise rogue operator. Some good news was there was no malware. It costs us not a million miles short of £1k to be told that. But you live and learn and cannot take chances...