
Some very good and incisive posts here. I'd just like to add one more collosal thing: the UK print media. It eats everything in its way and every single day spews out unadulterated fear and hatred, most of it aimed squarely at 'the other'. Over a period, such stuff has sunk into our national consciousness and stained us right through.
I think the last 2 years have been a tipping point where people have felt caged and agitated. Add to that the lifestyle most are used to and having it whipped away, restricted, ruined time with families and no holidays etc. Then people being laid off. Stress levels rising. Most (not all) of the modern generation tend to crumble under any sort of pressure these days, and then add to it there's more visibility on social media platforms. All of this added to the government who haven't covered themselves in glory (I'm being polite) and the modern way of life in that everyone expects everything NOW, this minute and you have a perfect cocktail for the general population getting aggressive. Instead of being a more peaceful time, we seem to be of the belief that "well they're doing it so I will" or "They're getting away with it, so I'll do the same".
The other big thing I've personally found is that no one wants to take ANY responsibility for things they do. Always someone else's fault and, if challenged, they get defensive and aggressive. Car parks...someone bangs their door on your car and you point it out...somehow its your fault. That's just one example.
Thatcher gets rid of council housing. Consecutive governments labour and tory watch house prices rocket while doing nothing about it. People lucky enough to buy houses in the 80s trouser hundreds of thousands of pounds for doing nothing. No one else can afford property. Whose fault is it? Thatcher! Excuse me while I retire at 55.
Thatcher gets rid of council housing. Consecutive governments labour and tory watch house prices rocket while doing nothing about it. People lucky enough to buy houses in the 80s trouser hundreds of thousands of pounds for doing nothing. No one else can afford property. Whose fault is it? Thatcher! Excuse me while I retire at 55.
Rising house prices and the illusion that it provides home owners that they are becoming richer is a true master stroke of trickery. I've fallen for this a few times too.

Your house is worth £150k. House prices rise by 10% one year. You're now £15k better off and you feel great. However, you're not really are you as your house value means nothing unless you sell it. Even when you sell it you're most probably buying another one so the high value of the housing market means whilst you're selling at an inflated price you're also buying at an inflated price so you're no better off.

The only real people this effects is the young people who now have no chance of getting on the housing ladder.

The housing market is the perfect example of everyone acting in their own interests and no-one really being better off as a result but plenty of people being completely phooked as a result.