4 more years of Trump

"Well, it's not unusual for people to claim they've won the election. I can think of that happening on numerous occasions," he told reporters Wednesday. "But claiming you win the election is different from finishing the (vote) counting. And what we're going to see here in the next few days, both in the Senate races and in the presidential race, is each state will ultimately get to a final outcome."
"Well, it's not unusual for people to claim they've won the election. I can think of that happening on numerous occasions," he told reporters Wednesday. "But claiming you win the election is different from finishing the (vote) counting. And what we're going to see here in the next few days, both in the Senate races and in the presidential race, is each state will ultimately get to a final outcome."
Harris will be in charge
Where is the stat about killing more civilians than any regime from? I'd think that Nixon, Johnson or Truman would have a good claim to that crown.

And what is a mayor of the state?

And I live in Lewisham. What part of London do you live in where 'a cat in hell's chance' means 'very likely'?
nice guy
I'm not doubting the high handed murderousness of the Obama administration's foreign policy. But where does that say that they killed the most civilians of any government?

And what is a mayor of a state?

Even the guardian knows he’s a monster. If the guardian is prepared to out you as a monster then you are one of the worlds biggest despots you’re finished.