3rd cold type illness in 6 weeks

GREAT boozer! I haven't been in for a few years tbh.
I used to love it in there back in the day. Used to love the little bar on a Friday night.

Do the Street Rats still get in there?
No, not really these days. I’m a bar dweller. I’ve probably been in there at same time as you at some point. You can probably picture me, I’m the handsome bloke.
The cold I had 2 weeks back (or nearly) was an absolute swine of a thing to shift - two days of sweating buckets, more phlegm expunged than a body should be able to hold, a throat like barbed wire and really bad conjunctivitis in both eyes. With the pallid look from the cold and the red eyes I looked like an albino Satan. The Hermes lass was visibly shaken when I answered the door and took a step back, she may have crossed herself too, I couldn’t see that well for the gunk in my eyes.

My wife took it on as I started to recover and along with some of the above symptoms has now had a bout of pneumonia and is presently abed with pleurisy. This is some seriously crappy cold. Get the damn jab if you can.