Chopped wife into 224 pieces

Unfathomable, as is less than 4 years for the friend who helped him move the body parts (as well as child sex offences and drug offences).
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but, I can tell you the death penalty can’t be used.
That's my point, surely it's can be brought back for cases like this, 100% no doubt what he has done and he should pay the price for that crime.
What the actual fcuk, another example of our joke of a justice system.

You can't tell me that the death penalty can't be used on someone like this!!

sentenced to a minimum term of 19 years and 316 days behind bars!!!

Nicholas Metson
While he may deserve to die the Kiscko case in the 70s means I'll never support the death penalty
And while not a murder the Malkinson case recently showed that even in the 21st century DNA is not always being fully used
That's my point, surely it's can be brought back for cases like this, 100% no doubt what he has done and he should pay the price for that crime.
Would the threat of death penalty have prevented this?

If so, why aren't nations with the death penalty murder-free or have lower murder rates than nations that don't have the death penalty?

When you are dealing with psychopaths and other crazies the possible consequences don't matter to them.

What is the maximum number of incorrectly convicted people per year who would, die that you would deem acceptable? 2? 10? 50? 100?
The evidence (and there is plenty if you want to search for it) is against you.
This is a 100% example of someone who is seriously messed up, chopped his wife into 224 pieces, paid a friend £50 to dump the bags and he gets 19 years finny!! Where is the justice in this case?
This is a 100% example of someone who is seriously messed up, chopped his wife into 224 pieces, paid a friend £50 to dump the bags and he gets 19 years finny!! Where is the justice in this case?
Justice is meted out in line with legal guidelines and precedent.
An alternative?
Get the judges to jot down the evidence on FMTTM and ask for advice?
That's my point, surely it's can be brought back for cases like this, 100% no doubt what he has done and he should pay the price for that crime.
Okay. Every time we find that there has been somebody wrongfully killed we get to kill a member of your immediate family.

We are not animals though, so we will let you choose each time. You can even give your reasoning as to why you picked them.