New Music

It'll be interesting to see what kind of reception he gets with this new material after last year's carry on. No doubting his talent but maybe not the nicest individual!
Seems like the vast majority have decided not to review it or acknowledge it. A shame as it's undoubtedly a 5 star album but I'm just glad to have some new music from him. Hoping for the other 2 albums he had lined up to get released at some point.
Seems like the vast majority have decided not to review it or acknowledge it. A shame as it's undoubtedly a 5 star album but I'm just glad to have some new music from him. Hoping for the other 2 albums he had lined up to get released at some point.
Judging by the Youtube comments on these new tracks so far the vast majority seem very much behind him still. Although he's publicly apologised/acknowledged the behaviour he got upto over a number of years it was a pretty sleazy way to live your life, to say the least. One episode in particular was really grim. Lots of people have completely disowned him and even got rid of their entire RA collections. I haven't gone that far but still unsure whether to go ahead and get this LP; it would be the first RA album I didn't own!
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