YouGov Poll - 33 Point lead!

There are a lot of angry and anxious people out there, but around 33% still vote Conservative, because they are higher tax payers and/or fully own property and most people vote in line with what they believe is in their self interest at General Elections (not by Elections). This believe in self interest could be driven by the media owners in some cases, but I doubt that is going to change for the next election. Blair had a charm with media owners to get them to back him.

Younger people tend not to vote, they suddenly did vote for Corbyn when he said he would scrap tuition fees, but this was a bit of an exception. I have worked at polling stations and very few young people come in (under 35s), certainly in rural areas

Polling methodology account for these, it's not new information.

The Tory support has collapsed and will continue to collapse for as long as they continue ignoring the markets, BoE, IMF and any other organisation worth listening too.

The vast majority of voters have been made significantly worse off due to the mini-budget. Hurting people in the pocket is the most efficient way to lose support very quickly.
I don't think anyone really expects the Tories to end up with these percentages and numbers come the actual next GE, most of us are just commenting on how extraordinary these polling figures are to occur at any time.

That said, it is not unprecedented for nations to wipe out Conservatives electorally from time to time - Scotland is an example. It really depends how demented and right wing the policies are, how long they have had to show their effects and how ideologically driven and incompetent the Party is. On that basis, this Conservative Party is a candidate right now and it could have been so structurally compromised in the six years since the Brexit vote that it cannot come back from this in a mere two years. The Brexiters are dominant in the membership, the ERG in Parliamentary Party (but less so) and the Senior Party structure is dominated by, funded by and instructed by the Tufton Street financiers. There may be decent, centrist, one nation tories who would return and fight for the sole of their party, but they will be most likely up against a controlling faction who are going to double down and see it through to the bitter end in denial, rather than shuffle off in shame and disgrace.
They'll be sharpening knifes and fighting for position behind Truss at Tory HQ as we speak. I suspect it'll be carnage at the Tory Party Conf. They'll need riot police to get them in and out safe, some probably will skip it, there will be deals getting made behind doors, positioning for leadership attempts, veiled comments about Truss on stage etc. It will be joyfulfor the rest of us watching though
They'll be sharpening knifes and fighting for position behind Truss at Tory HQ as we speak. I suspect it'll be carnage at the Tory Party Conf. They'll need riot police to get them in and out safe, some probably will skip it, there will be deals getting made behind doors, positioning for leadership attempts, veiled comments about Truss on stage etc. It will be joyfulfor the rest of us watching though
For the first time in my life I think I will watch the Tory conference. Beer and popcorn at the ready.
They'll be sharpening knifes and fighting for position behind Truss at Tory HQ as we speak. I suspect it'll be carnage at the Tory Party Conf. They'll need riot police to get them in and out safe, some probably will skip it, there will be deals getting made behind doors, positioning for leadership attempts, veiled comments about Truss on stage etc. It will be joyfulfor the rest of us watching though
They will use the train strike as an excuse for not going. I'm not even joking.
What value do any of these “voting intention polls” have when the real thing is 20 months away ? The Tories will get massive backing from their big business donors, along with the majority of the MSM - most people are very easily manipulated and influenced by tv and media, as we’ve seen in the last couple of years
What value do any of these “voting intention polls” have when the real thing is 20 months away ? The Tories will get massive backing from their big business donors, along with the majority of the MSM - most people are very easily manipulated and influenced by tv and media, as we’ve seen in the last couple of years

They have massive value, if they didn't, they wouldn't exist. Finding out what the nation is thinking is critical to holding government/opposition policy to account.

These polls put huge pressure on Truss and may force u-turns that will help millions.

Headline voting intention is only one question of many in these polls, the granular data is just as important.

I've also answered this question for the last 2 years, 24 months on, Labour are now in landslide territory and the Tories are running out of time to hide behind the "polls mean nothing" narrative.
What value do any of these “voting intention polls” have when the real thing is 20 months away ? The Tories will get massive backing from their big business donors, along with the majority of the MSM - most people are very easily manipulated and influenced by tv and media, as we’ve seen in the last couple of years
I think they do influence floating voters.

The Tories are very good at giving the impression they are the only show in town around elections if they are ahead in the polls. Even when they win with about 40% of the vote then they try to convince that they got every single vote.

It has some name which I can’t remember where people jump on the bandwagon and vote for the party which is expected to win.