Would you enlist,

I can't join in a combat role because I have an eye condition - but yeah I would join in another role... probably a tech / cyber guy

BUT none of us need to enlist - because NATO has over 3 million troops
No, would I die in some foreign field whilst Johnson cosies up to Putin's mates in the HOL and continues to take his donations to swell Tory party coffers ?

Besides I'm 44, with a metal shoulder due to a skiing injury and a bad back - they'd not want me anyways.
If i had to i would try and get into the medical side to support. After firing a few guns at a shooting range in the past I'm the last thing you want running round with live ammo.
This is so dumb. If the West went to war with Russia life would cease to exist on this planet. 🤯
You're assuming that when Putin presses the red button he gets missles launching. I suspect there's a decent chance he gets a cloud of dust and a few confused mice come scuttling out.